
  • 网络Carbonization furnace;CVR
  1. 实现这一转化的关键设备是碳化炉。

    Hith temperature carbonization furnace is the key equipment during carbonization process .

  2. 高温钼丝碳化炉温度检测及控制系统研制

    Temperature Detection of High Temperature Molybdenum-Wound Carbonization Furnace and Study of Controlling System

  3. 自然吸入某煤气厂碳化炉车间污染大气对大鼠妊娠结局及胎仔影响

    Effect of polluted air inhalation in a gas plant on pregnant rats and their fetuses

  4. 实验结果表明:炉管表面发生了高温氧化以及碳化腐蚀,炉管壁厚明显减薄。

    Experimental result shows that the corrosive mechanism of surface materials produces the oxidation and carbonization corrosion .