
  • 网络silicon carbide whisker;SiCw
  1. 采用卧式电热连续烧结炉生产碳化硅晶须,发热体选用石墨捧,耐火材料选用刚玉砖,保温材料选用高铝砖和粘土砖;

    Silicon Carbide whiskers were sintered using the continuous horizontal electrothermal sintering furnace .

  2. 双重加热法合成碳化硅晶须的研究

    Study on Silicon Carbide Whiskers Synthesized by Double-heating Technique

  3. 哑铃形碳化硅晶须增强聚氯乙烯(PVC)复合材料的制备和性能

    PVC composite reinforced by dumbbell - shaped BIOMIMETIC SiC whiskers

  4. 国产BP碳化硅晶须及特性

    The property of silicon carbide whisker

  5. 碳化硅晶须补强莫来石复合材料的SPS烧结致密化研究

    Study on the SPS densification of SiC whisker reinforced MULLITE COMPOSITES

  6. 拉曼光谱表明它是六角多型(4H)纳米碳化硅晶须。

    The Raman spectrum shows that the SiC prepared should be four hexagonal polytypic SiC .

  7. 以炭黑和SiO2微粉为原料,利用双重加热炉合成了碳化硅晶须,提出了合成工艺的优化参数。

    Silicon carbide whiskers were synthesized used carbon black and SiO_2 powder as raw material by double-heating technique and the optional parameters were suggested .

  8. 本文给出了一种低成本、适用于大批量生产碳化硅晶须的新方法,以炭黑和SiO2微粉为原料对用双重加热法合成碳化硅晶须进行了研究。

    A new technique of producing silicon carbide whiskers with low cost and batch process is introduced in this paper . The silicon carbide whiskers synthesized by double heating , using carbon black and SiO 2 powders as raw materials , were studied .

  9. 对碳化硅晶须增强AZ91镁基复合材料在153K~393K进行加载热循环试验,载荷为20MPa静载荷,测定了复合材料在热循环前后的力学性能。

    The thermal cycling test between 153 K - 393 K were performed on SiCw / AZ91 magnesium matrix composite with the load of 20 MPa , and the tensile properties of SiCw / AZ91 before and after thermal cycling were evaluated .

  10. 哑铃形碳化硅晶须的生成过程是气相反应过程。

    The growth of dumbbell-shaped whiskers is gas & phase process .

  11. 碳化硅晶须增强氮化铝复合材料的机械性能和界面研究

    Study on mechanical properties and interface of SiC whisker-reinforced AlN matrix

  12. 碳化硅晶须增强氧化锆复相陶瓷材料的组织观察

    The microstructure of dual phase 2y-zro_2 matrix reinforced by SiC whisker

  13. 碳化硅晶须镁基复合材料热残余应力及其调整

    Thermal Residual Stress and Its Modification in a SiC-Whisker / Mg Composite

  14. 碳化硅晶须增韧陶瓷复合材料断裂韧性的理论计算

    Theoretical computation of fracture toughness for silicon carbide whisker reinforced ceramic composite

  15. 催化剂对合成碳化硅晶须的影响

    Effect of the catalyst on Synthesis of silicon carbide whiskers

  16. 激光能量密度对原位生长碳化硅晶须形态的影响

    Effect of Laser Energy Density on SiC Whisker Morphologies by In-situ Growth

  17. 碳化硅晶须合成工艺与生长机理的研究

    Studies on the Growth Technology and Mechanism of Synthesizing Silicon Carbide Whiskers

  18. 氮化硅低温转化合成碳化硅晶须研究

    Preparation of SiC Whiskers by Low-temperature Decomposition of Silicon Nitride

  19. 碳化硅晶须增韧氮化硅瓷的冲蚀磨损研究

    Erosive wear of silicon carbide whisker-reinforced silicon nitride composite

  20. 碳化硅晶须连续生产烧结炉初探

    Preliminary Approach to the Sintering Furnace For Continuous Production of Silicon Carbide Whiskers

  21. 哑铃形碳化硅晶须的制备与表征

    Synthesis and characterization of dumbbell-shaped BIOMIMETIC SiC whiskers

  22. 树脂热解炭制备碳化硅晶须

    Preparation of silicon carbide whiskers from resin char

  23. 碳化硅晶须与微颗粒制备及性能研究

    Study on Preparation and performances of silicon carbon ( sic ) whiskers and particle

  24. 反应物料的性状对碳化硅晶须合成的影响

    Effects of Dealing Ways of Raw Material on the Formation of Silicon Carbide Whisker

  25. 碳化硅晶须补强氧化铝复合材料的制备及其力学性能

    Preparation and Mechanical Properties of SiC Whisker-Reinforced Alumina

  26. 碳化硅晶须合成工艺的研究

    Study on synthesis technology of silicon carbide whiskers

  27. 碳多孔体中碳化硅晶须的原位生长

    In-situ growth of Sic whiskers in porous carbon

  28. 碳化硅晶须的生长机理与制备方法

    Growth Mechanism and Preparation of Silicon Carbide Whiskers

  29. 碳化硅晶须增强义齿基托挠曲强度的实验研究

    The experimental study of the fracture strength of denture base enhanced by addition of SiC whisker

  30. β-型碳化硅晶须与颗粒的制备及特性表征

    Study on Preparation and Characterization of β - Silicon Carbide ( SiC ) Whiskers and Particles