
  • 网络Organ donation;DCD
  1. “器官捐献和移植法律的不存在或不严格鼓励了商业化和移植旅游,”世卫组织负责移植的LucNoel博士说。

    " Non-existent or lax laws on organ donation and transplantation encourage commercialism and transplant tourism ," said Dr Luc Noel , in charge of transplantation at WHO .

  2. 论器官捐献的公民教育方式和方法

    The Mode and Methods of Citizen Education on Organ Donation

  3. 这种说法暗指器官捐献中很大比例来自摩托车驾驶者。

    It alludes3 to the high percentage of donated organs that come from motorcyclists .

  4. 美国卫生及公共服务部(DepartmentofHealth&HumanServices)的数据显示,1994年以来,机动车事故在器官捐献中所占的比重为16%。

    Since 1994 , 16 % of all organ donations came from motor vehicle accidents , according to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services .

  5. 我国也跟随世界的脚步,在全国范围内开展了以DCD为主的器官捐献试点工作。

    Following the world footsteps , China also carried out the national death donations experimental work mainly in DCD .

  6. 扶轮社Rajan眼科银行不停地发起眼器官捐献活动,鼓励人们死时将这份光明的礼物献给别人。

    The Rotary Rajan Eye Bank holds continuing eye donation campaigns . It urges people to leave the gift of sight to others when they die .

  7. 30岁的ErinTaylor是加拿大埃德蒙顿市的一位护士,受该剧中一个故事的启发,加入了国家器官捐献计划行动,把自己的一颗肾脏无偿捐献给了一位严重病患。

    Erin Taylor , 30 , a nurse in Edmonton , Canada , was inspired by a story line in the drama to sign up to a national organ donor programme in a move that resulted in her donating one of her kidneys to a critically ill stranger .

  8. 公民在申领驾照时将进行器官捐献意愿登记。

    Dear new drivers , will you be an organ donor ?

  9. 目前,我国是亚洲登记器官捐献人数最多的国家。

    China now has the most registered organ donors in Asia .

  10. 不过加州为何没有足够的器官捐献呢?

    So why aren 't there more organs available in California ?

  11. 我们接受器官捐献中心的帮助。

    We receive help from an organ donation center .

  12. 这表示我注册参加了器官捐献计划。

    It indicates that I 've signed up for the organ donation program .

  13. 大学生器官捐献态度及影响因素调查分析

    Analysis on Attitude Toward Organ Donation and its Effect Factors Among College Students

  14. 器官捐献的公民教育研究

    The Research of Citizen Education of Organ Donation

  15. 他们想让医院把萨拉的名字添加到成人肺器官捐献的等候名单上。

    So they sued to put her on the waiting list for adult lungs .

  16. 器官捐献组织决定谁取哪一颗。

    U.n.o.s.has already assigned who gets which donor .

  17. 活体器官捐献是整个人体器官移植得以展开的前提行为。

    Living organ donation is to expand the Human Organ Transplant premise of behavior .

  18. 事实上,英国所有六个主要宗教都支持器官捐献和移植。

    All six of the main religions in Britain support organ donation and transplantation .

  19. 除了自然死亡,交通事故是器官捐献的最大来源。

    Motor vehicle accidents are the largest contributor to organ donations after natural-cause deaths .

  20. 第二,完善器官捐献的补偿、援助与法律机制,保证器官捐献的公平性和合法性。

    Secondly , we should perfect donor donation incentives , assistance and legal mechanisms .

  21. 器官捐献一般在匿名情况下进行。

    Organ donation is generally an anonymous transaction .

  22. 如何才能进行器官捐献?

    How do I become an organ donor ?

  23. 论器官捐献法立法原则&兼论法律对私权利限制的证成

    The Legislative principle about organs donation law-in passing justification on limitation of the individual rights

  24. 如果他们成功了,等待器官捐献的病患名单将成为过去时。

    If they succeed , donor waiting lists could become a thing of the past .

  25. 关于人体器官捐献的立法思考

    Legal Thought of Donation of Human Organs

  26. 器官捐献可是受严格监管的。

    Organ donation is heavily regulated .

  27. 但是别等到最后一分钟再填哪些器官捐献卡。

    But don 't wait till the last minute to fill out those organ donor cards .

  28. 器官捐献

    How To Become An Organ Donor

  29. 器官捐献的法律问题探讨

    Legal Research on Organs Donation

  30. 在器官捐献方式上,70%以上的人强调要在自愿的基础上进行,并认为应给予一定形式的经济补偿。

    With regard to forms of donation , over 70 % emphasized the individual willingness combined with reimbursement .