
  • 网络Body;Active Part
  1. 四系罐以及双系罐由圆鼓腹发展至弧腹,器身由矮变高。

    Four tank and double tank by a round drum abdomen to arc abdomen , the body taller .

  2. 为了适用于引进德国MWB公司的无局放试验变压器器身干燥的要求,我们研制了真空热风干燥浸油设备。

    In order to satisfy the requirements of the body of test transformer without local discharge introduced from MWB Compary of West Germany , the vacuum hot air drying equipment for oil impregnation is manufactured by us .

  3. 变压器三维设计系统的器身绝缘设计

    Design of Active Part Insulation in 3-Dimension Transformer Design System

  4. 波纹油箱全密封变压器的器身定位

    Location of Active Part of Omnisealed Transformer with Corrugated Tank

  5. 大型变压器器身压紧装置结构及工艺

    Structure and Technology of Hold Down Gag of Active Part of Large Transformer

  6. 保罗发明的乐器器身消除了振动,也就消除了失真音色。

    Paul 's solid body eliminated the vibrations , and thus the distortions .

  7. 单器身有载调压兼移相整流变压器的实现

    Achievement of Single iron Core Rectifier Transformer with Load Ratio Adjustment and Phase Shift

  8. 他设计出一款吉他,有坚固的器身,仅靠电子设备发音。

    He designed a guitar with a solid body that relied solely on electronics .

  9. 早期的电吉他是空心的,而且早期的扩音器会造成乐器器身产生振动。

    These early electric guitars were hollow and these early amplifiers caused vibrations in the bodies of the instruments .

  10. 专门设计的电容式传感器可以感应十几米以外的干燥罐中器身的微水分变化;

    Signals of moisture content sensed by a specially designed sensor in the drying pot more than 10 meters away from the monitor room were transduced and processed .

  11. 根据参考文献以及实测得到的变压器器身振动信号频谱图,研究了铁心及绕组振动信号的基本特征;

    According to the measured frequency domain characteristics of the tank vibration signals , we have described the feature of the core 's and the winding 's vibration signals .

  12. 在线测量变压器器身振动信号时,为保护后续仪器以及人身安全,设计了一套光电传输系统。

    In order to protect the instrument and the experimentalist when the transformer tank vibration signal is on-line measured , a set of optical transmitting system is designed in this paper .

  13. 这种结构特征使得摇动摇杆时,器身内的液体进入到储气室的阻力大大减小,操作者能明显感到轻松。

    The structure makes the operator feel easy obviously due to the fact that the resistance of the liquid entering the air storage chamber is greatly reduced when the rocker rocks .

  14. 介绍了应用于变压器器身干燥处理的全自动内置式汽相干燥设备的特点及其采用计算机控制的优点。

    The characteristics of the automatic internal installed vapour phase drying device which is used in treatment for the transformer active part are introduced , and the advantages of controlling with computer are presented .

  15. 本文对换流变压器器身主绝缘建立了瞬态电场计算模型,分别对绝缘介质进行了各向同性线性或非线性与各向异性线性或非线性计算分析。

    In this paper , the main body of converter transformer insulation calculation model established a transient electric field , respectively , for the isotropic dielectric linear or nonlinear and anisotropic linear or nonlinear computational analysis .

  16. 通过分析小波包的特性,提出了一种基于小波包分析得到变压器器身振动的能量特征矢量的方法,该特征矢量可作为变压器铁芯故障诊断的判据。

    In this paper , via analyzing the characteristic of WPT , a method of gaining the energy eigenvector of transformer tank vibration based on the wavelet packet is brought forward , the eigenvector can be used for monitoring the transformer core condition .

  17. 然后分析了变压器制造工艺流程,工艺和工序的监督以及工艺质量控制,非晶合金变压器制造工艺,即变压器各零部件-铁芯、线圈、绝缘件、器身、引线等的制造工艺。

    Secondly , it analyzes production flow of transformer , supervision of craft and process , craft quality control and manufacture process of amorphous alloy transformer such as core , armature , insulation parts , transformer case , fuse , and so on .

  18. 由经验可知,油中气体的含量可反映变压器健康状态,产气速率可反映该状态下器身内部潜伏性故障的发展程度。

    By experience , it is known that the healthy state of transformers can be deduced from the content of the dissolved gasses and the development of the internal latent fault in that state can be estimated by the generating rate of the gasses .

  19. 通过监测电力变压器的器身振动信号预估变压器机械故障的振动法的关键在于如何从振动信号中提取有效特征。

    The mechanical faults of a transformer are predicted with monitoring its vibration , which is a new technology put forward recently for condition based monitoring of transformers . The key technology of vibration method is how to identify the effective features of the vibration signal .

  20. 以推力150N的气氧/煤油发动机为研究对象,给出了点火、喷注器及身部冷却、阀门等的设计方案。

    The design schemes of ignition , cooling of injector and its body , and valve were given when the GO_2 / kerosene engine with thrust 150 N was served as the research object .

  21. 机载布撒器翼身组合体亚音速气动特性计算

    Aerodynamic characteristics calculation of airborne dispenser wing body combinations in subsonic flow

  22. 音带里声音最大的就是他——窃听器在他身上。

    His voice was the loudest on the tape -- microphone was on him .

  23. 需要、思和诗组成了思想政治教育动力的三体,丰富着处于位似中心的一要素人,使之真正达到思想政治教育的目的,育人而非制器,是身、心与灵的统一。

    Needs , ideas and poetry form the three bodies of ideological and political education ' dynamic , enrich one major element & people and make it really achieves the purpose of education .

  24. 安全有保障:独家配备士林电机漏电断路器,确保人身100%安全。

    Safeguard : outfit electric leakage circuit breaker for 100 % safeguard .

  25. 电气实训室的漏电保护器是防止人身触电的有效措施。

    The leakage protector in electrical training room is an effective measure to prevent physical shock .

  26. 空间小推力发动机推力室喷注器的设计与身部冷却问题

    The design of injectors of thrust chambers of spaceborne small thrust engines and engine body 's cooling

  27. 这项研究是在一组野生小白鼠和一组通过基因技术去除其体内的TRPV1感受器的小白鼠身上进行的。

    The researchers carried out the study on one group of wild mice , and another group of mice who had been genetically engineered to lack the TRPV1 Receptor 。

  28. 选取整体套管串为研究对象,考虑弹性扶正器变形、井身结构和各种外载荷等因素,建立了套管串非线性力学模型。

    Considering the deformation of elastic centralizer , trajectory of well , various loads etc. , the nonlinear mechanics model of casing string is presented while the whole casing is researched .

  29. 断路器电容器由器身、扩张器、浸渍剂和瓷套等零部件构成。

    The grading capacitor chiefly consists of body , metal expanders , impregnant and porcelain bushing .

  30. 《操纵器》由有刻度的器身、操纵杆、雕刻成形的手、脚、舌、生殖器象征物等组成,操纵者可根据需要前后左右伸缩移动。

    " Manipulator " is made by a scale body , Joystick sculpture as the form of hands , feet , tongue and genital symbol , the Manipulator can be flexible to moved around as needed .