
qì ɡuān yí zhí fǎ
  • law for transplantation of organs;transplantation of organs act
  1. 器官移植法禁止政府医院为没血缘关系人士移植肾脏。

    The Indian organ transplantation rules bar government hospitals from conducting kidney transplants if the donor has no blood relation to the patient .

  2. 第五章,提出人体器官移植引入行政法规制的立法建议和具体对策。

    Chapter five , the author bring forward the legislative proposals and specific measures of administration laws system in human organ transplant .

  3. 我国要加快器官移植方面的立法,首要任务便是要制定一部专门的器官移植法,这部法律应该涵盖了所有的器官移植方面的违法犯罪行为。

    We should accelerate making the relevant law and legislation . First of all we should make a special law of organ transplantation , this law should contain all kinds of crimes of organ transplantation .

  4. 对器官移植与人身权关系问题的探究,既可以解决器官移植带来的负面影响,也有利于充分尊重人格尊严,促进器官移植法的制定和完善,实现现代民法以人为本的核心精神。

    Studying the relationship between organ transplantation and personal right not only can solve the passive effects but also stand on human dignity . In addition , it can improve the enactment of law of organ transplantation and realize the spirit of humanism of modern civil law .