
  • 网络prolate
  1. 扁长球体是将一个椭圆体依其主轴旋转而成的。

    A prolate spheroid is generated by revolving an ellipse about its major axis .

  2. 由于链球菌所导致的喉咙扁桃体感染。扁长球体是将一个椭圆体依其主轴旋转而成的。

    An infection of the oral pharynx and tonsils by streptococcus . a prolate spheroid is generated by revolving an ellipse about its major axis .

  3. 在建立超宽带脉冲设计算法的基础上,分析了扁长椭球波函数(PSWF)的近似解,提出了用近似扁长椭球波函数(APSWF)进行脉冲波形设计的方法。

    UWB pulse design algorithm was established , the approximate solution to the prolate spheroidal wave functions ( PSWF ) was analyzed , a pulse design method was proposed by using the approximate prolate spheroidal wave functions ( APSWF ) .

  4. 基于近似扁长椭球波函数的超宽带脉冲设计

    UWB pulse design method based on approximate prolate spheroidal wave functions

  5. 扁长的形状使它看起来又有点像遥控器。

    It 's shaped like a remote control to some extent .

  6. 利用流线法决定绕扁长椭球流动分离的位置

    Determination of prolate spheroid flow separation by using streamline method

  7. 绕扁长椭球体三维分离的积分法

    An integral method for a prolate spheroid 3D flow separation

  8. 扁长塑料件的注塑成型

    Injection Moulding of a Flat and Long Plastics Part

  9. 用扁长函数分析激光模式

    Analysis of laser mode based on prolate functions

  10. 这麽做会逐渐将轨道从扁长椭圆形收缩成较小且逐渐变圆的形状。

    That gradually would reduce the orbit from an elongated ellipse to smaller , progressively more circular shapes .

  11. 第3种长径300~625nm,扁长或三角形,密度低。

    Type 3 , long or triangular in shape , with low electron density , few in number , long axis 300-625 nm .

  12. 根管横切面形状扁长形以根中1/3最高,达85.6%。

    The majority of root canal morphology in cross-section was long-flat , especially in the middle one-third of the root canal ( 85.6 % ) .

  13. 每管六涡扁长椭圆管换热板芯涡产生器翼高对强化传热的影响

    The Effect of Variation of Vortex Generator Height on Heat Transfer Enhancement Performance in Finned Oblate Oval Tube Test Core with Six Vortex Generators per Tube

  14. 结果表明,致使球果损失的关键因子是灰霉病,每年平均损失球果约13%;其次是杉木扁长蝽和瘿蚊,每年平均损失球果约8%。

    Among which Botrytis cinerea , Sinorsillus piliferus and gall midges were key factors lost cone , resulting in mean annual loss of13 % and8 % respectively .

  15. 科学家们怀疑,它的答案是:在厄里斯在它极为扁长的轨道运行接近太阳时,表面冰变暖而形成了暂时的大气。

    The answer , the scientists suspect : when Eris comes closer to the sun in its highly elongated orbit , surface ice warms up to form a temporary atmosphere .

  16. 妊娠4个月以后,卵巢逐渐变扁长,以孕侧更为明显。

    After 4 month of gestation , both sides ovary became flatter and longer gradually , and this change was more evident in the homonymy gravid horn ovary than the anti gravid horn ' s.

  17. 被分割的321个洲滩斑块变成820块,破碎度增大了150.00%,破碎景观面积占98.5%,扁长状斑块消失,鸟足状和岛屿状斑块占总斑块数减少了6.77%和11.34%;

    The area of fragmentation landscape occupied 98.5 percent . The narrow patches have disappeared ; the patches are like bird 's feet and the island patches have reduced 6.77 percent and 11.34 percent respectively .

  18. 提出了用扁长函数描述激光模式的新方法,并按照这种方法分析了方形镜、圆形镜共焦激光器的模式特性。

    In this paper a new method describing laser mode based on prolate functions is presented and with the new method the mode properties of the confocal laser with square and circular mirrors are analysed .

  19. 房室结为一扁长形结构,其横切面呈右侧微凸的三角形,有时切面呈梭形或半卵圆形。

    The AV node is a long sagittal flatt ened structure , its transverse section is triangular in shape with a right convex surface , sometimes the cross section is fusiform or half oval in shape .

  20. 珠宝商从他的口袋里摸出了一只扁扁的长盒子来,里面装着几种他们所要的东西的样品。

    The jeweller drew from his pocket a long flat box , which contained several samples of the articles demanded . '

  21. 果实红色,稍扁,卵圆形,长5-6厘米,直径约4毫米。

    Fruit red , slightly compressed , 5-6 cm long , 4 mm in diam .