
shí qiú
  • stone bola
  1. 颗石球是深海的微藻,典型地繁生于开阔海滨外的透光带内。

    Coccophores are pelagic microscopic algae and typically thrive in the offshore photic zone of the open sea .

  2. 踢石球。踢石球在清代是中国北方流行的一种运动,人们常在冬天踢石球以取暖。

    Kicking stone balls During the Qing Dynasty , kicking a stone ball around was a popular game in the northern part of China , and it was often played in winter to keep warm .

  3. 石球是旧石器时代原始人用来狩猎的工具。

    The stone balls were tools of hunting in Paleolithic times .

  4. 硅灰石球磨过程中晶体结构的变化

    The Variation in the Crystal Structure of Wollastonite During Ball-milling

  5. 多孔改性沸石球的制备及应用效果研究

    Research of Modified Porous Zeolite Pellet Producing Technology and Application

  6. 凹凸棒石球团对饱和水蒸气的吸附

    The Adsorption of Saturated Water Vapor by Attapulgite Pellet

  7. 最后研究了改性沸石球再生的方法及效率。

    Finally , the regeneration method and efficiency of zeolite had also been studied .

  8. 淡水珍珠中文石球粒的发现与成珠机制探讨

    Discussion on pearl 's formation mechanism from the discovery of aragonite spherical grains in fresh pearls

  9. 稀土改性沸石球对水质砷去除规律的研究

    Study on the Removal of Arsenic by Porous Zeolite Pellet Modified with Rare Earth in Water Solution

  10. 臼炮由铜或铁铸造而成,发射石球粉碎敌人的防御。

    Forged from bronze or iron , and designed to fire stone balls to crumble enemy defences .

  11. 山西省阳高县许家窑出土了大量的石球。

    A large number of stone balls were unearthed in xujiayao , Yanggao county , Shanxi province .

  12. 经过10个周期的重复使用和再生,改性微孔沸石球的氨氮交换容量仅降低了3.4%。关键词:改性;

    After having been regenerated for 10 times , the exchange capacity of NH4 + - N reduced only by 3.4 % .

  13. 本文介绍了通过选择卵石球适宜的装填量及合理的级配,提高磨机产量的方法。

    In this article how to determine the proper ball charge and grading of the pebbles is introduced to increase the mill output .

  14. 正在转球时,我觉得石球是柔软的,而十指灵巧,运转不息,犹如自动。

    When I play the health balls I feel the balls are soft and the fingers move so smoothly that it would seem automatic .

  15. 在狩猎的时候啊,人们把石球拴在绳子上然后再抛出去,这样就可以缠住要逃跑的动物了。

    When hunting , the hunter would tie the stone ball to the end of a rope and throw it out to trap an escaping animal .

  16. 通过波谱分析,微球粒主要为石质球,即磷灰石球和硅质球。

    Through the spectrum analysis , the authors found that the microspherulites are mainly the lithical spherules , that is , the apatite and the siliceous spherules .

  17. 本文通过对碎石球生物接触氧化反应器中微生物群落结构及其主要功能的研究,从微观分析生物碎石球工艺的污泥减量机理。

    This article researched the mechanism of excess sludge reduction by analyzing the community structure of the microbes in the reactor , and the function of the dominant microbes .

  18. 如把远古时代的石球、石镞、飞索石等作为最早的体育文化形态加以命题,必然导致体育文化起源的悖论。

    If we take the ancient athletic cultural forms , such as the stone ball , stone arrow and the flying stone with a string , as a proposition , we will inevitably reach a contrary conclusion about the origin of the athletic culture .

  19. 分析了碳当量、孕育、冷却速度以及石零球形貌对潜热的影响规律。

    The effects of carbon equivalent , inoculation , cooling rate and microstructure on the latent heat are analyzed .

  20. 水热制备方沸石和方钠石共构空心球

    Hydrothermal synthesis of hollow spheres co-constructed by analcime and sodalite

  21. 由粉石英制备的硬硅钙石二次粒子球具有中空结构,而白炭黑对应样品则以纤维聚集成的块体为主,成球差。

    The secondary particle sphere of xonotlite yielded by konilite is of hollow structure , however , for the carbon white fibrous crystal just stacked densely and balling up is poor .