
  • 网络long house
  1. 我们访问了舅妈家的旧房子,那是一个象小巷一样伸到远处的很长的房子。

    The old house where we visited my aunt 's family was a very long-stretched house in the small lane .

  2. 那人注视着长在他房子屋顶上的高大青草。

    The man looked at the tall grass that grew on the roof of his house .

  3. 我们花了好长时间找这房子。

    We spent a good while looking for the house .

  4. 猜猜她画了什么——一栋长有翅膀的房子。

    Guess what she drew — a house with wings .

  5. 它的长枝子盘在房子的三角墙上,而这墙上正挂着一口小小的钟。

    The long stems twined round the gable , on which there hung a small bell .

  6. 慢性疼痛就像大水浸泡房屋&如果持续足够长的时间,房子就会坍塌。

    Chronic pain is like water damage to a house - if it goes on long enough , the house collapses .

  7. 这让那个女人放松下来,他们两个人就在车道上谈了很长时间这座房子的事情。

    This put the woman at ease , and the two of them talked at length in the driveway about the house .