
  • 网络oilman;oil man
  1. 永创她永远是你们这些一路走过来辛苦的石油人的骄傲!

    With them working , Novel Trading Limited will be the petroleum persons'pride forever !

  2. 对这些经验丰富的石油人来说,每桶60美元的油价仍有极大的吸引力。

    For these seasoned oil men , crude at $ 60 a barrel still looks mighty appealing .

  3. 鄂尔多斯盆地作为我国最早发现油田的盆地之一,经过几代石油人的艰苦创业,其石油勘探取得一系列重要突破。

    Erdos basin is one of the basins in which founded oilfield at the earliest in our country .

  4. 几代石油人又积累了开发复杂油气田的宝贵经验,使稳产千万吨原油产量有了技术保证。

    The valuable experiences from exploitation of complex oil and gas fields accumulated by the generations of oil men are also technically guarantees for them .

  5. 得克萨斯前石油负责人OscarWyatt在妻子和律师陪伴下来到联邦法庭,尚不确定判决结果。

    Accompanied by his wife and attorney , Texas oil man Oscar Wyatt arrived at Federal Court , unsure what his sentence would be .

  6. 钻探石油的人如果在一个地方得不到预期的结果,便到另一个地方去钻探。

    If they are disappointed at one place , the drillers go to another .

  7. 石油城市人地系统脆弱性及规避机理研究

    On the Vulnerability of the Man-Land System in Oil-producing Cities and its Preventive Mechanism

  8. 一个生产或卖石油的人。

    A worker who produces or sells petroleum .

  9. 墨西哥前石油负责人指控该国前总统行贿。

    Mexico 's former oil chief has accused the country 's ex-president of bribery .

  10. 他是第一个声称北海海底有石油的人。

    He was the first person to claim there was oil under the North sea .

  11. 人口的剧增意味着每年以不同的要求耗用石油的人会更多。

    The population explosion means that each year many more people will be using oil in some form or other .

  12. 他用充满石油或人血的格子制作雕塑他说,石油是各国与商业命脉之间的交易手段。

    He makes sculptures based on grids filled with oil or human blood oil , he says , is a means of exchange between countries and the lifeblood of commerce .

  13. 事实上,因为在一个旧的能量中,这些(指控)包含一些事实,尤其是关于黑暗和恐惧的,这对那些控制航运和石油的人来说并不困难。

    Indeed , there is some truth to all of this because in an old energy , especially one of darkness and fear , this was not difficult by those who controlled shipping and oil .

  14. 鄂尔多斯,在蒙古人眼里这是个牛羊成群的地方,可是在我们华北石油局人眼里却是个天然气喷发和实现梦想的地方。

    Ordos , in the eyes of Mongols , is a paradise for flocks and herds ; but in the eyes of us Huabeinese , it is a challenging place for finding natural gas and realizing our dreams .

  15. 拥有或经营石油井的人。

    A person who owns or operates oil wells .

  16. 当粮食价格超过石油,没有人会买垃圾。

    When food prices take over oil , no one will buy junk .

  17. 他是一个石油索具装配人。

    He is an oil rigger .

  18. 石油企业非法人单位领导干部综合激励模型设计及应用研究

    The Study on Design and Application of Integrated Prompting Model of Leaders in Unregistered Corporation of Petroleum Enterprises

  19. 石油是在人的头脑中,不是在物探圈闭中,也不在化探异常中。

    Petroleum is in one 's mind , Neither in trap of geophysics nor in anomaly of geochemistry .

  20. 对许多长年跟踪石油行业的人来说,油价如何攀升到每桶100美元仍然是个谜。

    How oil prices ever reached $ 100 a barrel still remains a mystery to many who have followed the industry for years .

  21. 同时,承包商也分别把合同交给如勘探地球物理学家(探测石油沉积的人)那样的专家。

    Also , specialists such as exploration geophysicists ( people who work to petroleum deposits ) often operate under contracts separate from that made with the contractor .

  22. 本文在对石油企业非法人单位领导干部激励现状分析的基础上,利用现有激励理论设计了非法人单位领导干部综合激励模型,并对该模型进行了系统分析。

    Based on the analysis of actuality about prompting of leaders in unregistered corporation of oil enterprises , the author has designed the integrated prompting model of leaders in unregistered corporation utilizing the existing prompting theory , analyzed this model systematically .

  23. 即便现在,每桶约44美元的价格仍低于石油行业多数人认为长期可持续的水平,因此认为油价正在修正的看法貌似是合理的。

    Even now , prices of about $ 44 per barrel are still below the level that most people in the oil industry would consider sustainable for the long term , so it is certainly plausible to think that the correction is now under way .

  24. 对许多长年跟踪石油行业的人来说,油价如何攀升到每桶100美元仍然是个谜。而过去六个月中油价下跌了40%,同样让看涨和看跌的人都感到惊讶。石油价格究竟为什么会跌得如此之猛?如此之快?

    How oil prices ever reached $ 100 a barrel still remains a mystery to many who have followed the industry for years . But the 40 % drop in oil prices over the past six months has been shocking for oil bears and bulls alike . Why on earth did it fall so hard , so fast ?

  25. 方法抽取122个不同工种石油作业工人1230人,填写职业紧张调查问卷(OSQ)和症状自评量表(SCL90)。结果石油工人心理健康状态随职业紧张水平的增加而下降。

    Methods 1 230 oil workers in 122 work types of oil industry were selected and written occupational stress questionary ( OSQ ) and symptom check list ( SCL-90 ) .

  26. 去年,当地报纸刊登了墨西哥石油工人联盟负责人的女儿乘坐私人飞机周游世界的一些照片,与她同行的还有她的三只斗牛犬——黑柯(Keiko)、波利(Boli)和莫根希达(Morgancita)。

    Last year , local newspapers ran pictures of the daughter of the head of the country 's oil workers union traveling the world in private jets with her three bulldogs , Keiko , Boli and Morgancita .

  27. 一些人呼吁扩大本土石油生产;还有人主张发展石油替代品。

    Some call for more domestic production ; others urge alternatives to oil .

  28. 伊拉克拥有巨大的石油财富,所有人都看到了机会。

    With all the oil wealth Iraq has , everyone sees the opportunity .

  29. 石油勘探工程与人的可靠性分析

    Petroleum Exploration Engineering and Human Reliability Analysis

  30. 标准石油公司被许多人认为是最初的跨国公司之一。

    Standard Oil is considered by many to be one of the first multinational companies .