
  1. 石太高速公路就地热再生沥青路面使用效果跟踪研究

    In-place Hot Recycling Asphalt Pavement Effect Tracing Research about Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan Expressway

  2. 共振式碎石化技术在石太高速公路水泥路面改造工程中的应用

    Application of Resonated Crushing Technology in Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan Expressway Cement Concrete Pavement Reconstruction

  3. 石太高速公路货运超载治理影响分析

    Influence Analysis of Freight Overload Treatment on Shi-Tai Expressway

  4. 在分析治超给石太高速公路所带来的影响的基础上,探讨了治超的意义及合理方法选择。

    The meaning of overload treatment and rational method are discussed on the basis of analyzing the influence of overload treatment bringing to Shi-Tai Expressway .

  5. 东邻石环(三环)公路与石黄高速立交桥,西邻太行大街和京珠高速与石太高速公路交叉口。

    East stone ring ( ring ) and the stone yellow high-speed highway overpass , west of the Taihang Avenue and the Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway and Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan Expressway intersection .

  6. 石太高速公路是一条重要的交通线路,要求施工时交通不能中断,因此对地表沉降严密监测,取得了大量的数据资料。

    Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan Expressway is an important traffic lines , the requirements can not be interrupted during the construction of traffic , so close monitoring of surface subsidence , and achieved a great deal of data .