
piān zhōu
  • small boat;skiff
扁舟 [piān zhōu]
  • [small boat;skiff] 小船

  • 一叶扁舟

  • 扁舟寻钓翁。——唐· 李白《还山留别金门知己》

扁舟[piān zhōu]
  1. 在迅疾的风中,自由如一叶扁舟。

    Free as a skiff before the dancing wind .

  2. 一叶扁舟在随波浮漾。

    A leaf of a boat drifts along with the waves .

  3. 一叶扁舟打破了Dal湖的平静,这名桨手似乎在说,美好的明天就要到来。

    A lone shikara boat slices through the peace and tranquility of Dal Lake , the oarsman reflecting on a better tomorrow to come .

  4. 一到夏天,她就有如大海里的扁舟。

    When summer arrives , she becomes boats in the sea .

  5. 谁家今夜扁舟子?

    Can you see the gentleman who is traveling on the boat ?

  6. 他能在风暴中架一叶扁舟。

    He can sail a shingle in a hurricane .

  7. 我看见薄暮的江上有一叶扁舟。

    I saw a boat on a twilit river .

  8. 就像扁舟抚过水面。

    As a ship on the waters advancing ,

  9. 第三节论扁舟形象。

    Section III is the boat image .

  10. 第二天,我们乘一艘扁舟(一种货运帆船)航行在汉江上。

    The next day we sailed on the Han in a pien-tzu , a freight junk .

  11. 爸爸说服一条“扁舟”的船老大带他们顺汉江去汉口。

    Dad persuaded the captain of a pien-tzu to take them down the Han River to Hankow .

  12. 下一块拼图是黎明的早上一叶扁舟,悄悄滑向大海

    The next piece of the jigsaw is of a boat in the early dawn slipping silently out to sea .

  13. 我们做完这项工作时,天色已近薄暮。我看见薄暮的江上有一叶扁舟。

    It was getting on in the afternoon when we finished the work . I saw a boat on a twilit river .

  14. 满月将满载情感,并使你感觉是情感海洋里随波逐流的一叶扁舟。

    This full moon will be laden with emotion and could easily make you feel like you 're on an emotional rollercoaster .

  15. 斯蒂芬·克莱恩的《海上扁舟》表现四个人在危难时相互理解,相互帮助,不屈不挠与冷酷的大自然搏斗。

    In Stephen Crane 's The Open Boat , the four people understand each other , help each other and struggle with the merciless nature stubbornly .

  16. 这一叶简陋的扁舟,浮泛于大海微波荡漾的胸膛上,置身其中,深觉此刻的生命是原始古朴的。

    Here where I was in a puny primitive boat poised precariously on the gently heaving breast of the ocean , life was elemental , primeval .

  17. 我要对她讲的话,像一叶扁舟日日夜夜随时间的浪潮而颠簸起伏。

    And it rocks day and night , like a boat , on every wave of the hours , the word that I had to say to her .

  18. 这时的扁舟已经不是渔父的载体,而是有独立意识、有人格魅力的自由生命。

    At this time the boat is not the Fisherman of the vector , but there is an independent consciousness , there is the charisma of life freely .

  19. 如同暴风雨里的一叶扁舟,他们只是希望自己的船避过风浪继续向某个方向前行,而不考虑方向为何。

    Like the crew of a sailing boat in a storm , they just want to keep it afloat and moving through the waves in some direction-never mind which .

  20. 我想到李白、杜甫在那遥远的年代,以一叶扁舟,搏浪急进,该是多么雄伟的搏斗,会激发诗人多少瑰丽的诗思啊!

    This makes me think of the poets Li Bai and Du Fu in those ancient days when they sailed upstream against the current and how such a magnificent struggle would stir the poets'imagination .