
  • 网络A Lane in the Rain;The Rain Lane;Rain Alley;Rainy Lane;Rainy Alley
  1. 丁香空结雨中愁&《雨巷》的象征意蕴及特点分析

    The Sorrow of Lilacs in Rain & an analysis of the symbolic meaning and artistic features of The Rainy Lane

  2. 又寂寥的雨巷,

    Solitary lane in the rain ,

  3. “雨巷从这儿数是第几站?”

    " How many stops are there between here and rainlane ?"

  4. 又寂寥的雨巷。

    Solitary lane in the rain .

  5. 《雨巷》朦胧而不晦涩,我是一个梦的追寻者。

    Rain Lane is hazy but not gloomy , in which I am a dreamer and keep on pursuing dreams .

  6. 她静默地远了,远了,到了颓圮的篱墙,走尽这雨巷。

    Silently she goes further and further , To the crumbling wall , Out of the lane in the rain .

  7. 它们想,下雨了,主人会重新穿戴起它们,飘飘扬扬地潇洒地走过雨巷。

    They think it rains , and the master will wear them again , walking through the raining lane lightly and leisurely .

  8. 幽怨雨巷情奇特诗人艺&浅论戴望舒诗的独特性

    Affection in Rain Beaten Lane , Art of Poet so Unique - Preliminary Discussion on Unique Character of Poems by DAI Wang-shu

  9. 撑着油纸伞,独自彷徨在悠长,悠长又寂寥的雨巷,我希望飘过一个丁香一样的结着愁怨的姑娘。

    Alone holding an oil-paper umbrella , I wander along a long Solitary lane in the rain , Hoping to pass A girl like a bouquet of lilacs Gnawed by anxiety and resentment .