
  1. 以高价拍得中国两件青铜兽首的中国人表示,不会为两尊铜像付款。

    Chinese man who won a high profile auction for two bronze artworks claimed by China says he will not pay for them .

  2. 一个中国人上周成功拍得两件流失文物青铜兽首,但表示不会付款。

    Chinese man who successfully bid for two looted bronze sculptures auctioned in Paris last week says his winning bid will not be paid .

  3. 如果他们做到了这些,我将很乐意亲自动身,带上这两件中国青铜兽首,把它们送回北京颐和园。

    If they do that , I would be very happy to go myself and bring these two Chinese heads to put them in the Summer Palace in Beijing .

  4. 围绕两件中国青铜喷泉兽首流产拍卖的争论仍在激烈进行。

    The controversy surrounding the aborted sale of two Chinese bronze fountain heads in Paris rumbles on .

  5. 此外,还出土有多件与真人头等大的青铜人头像,以及一些青铜兽头人像和人头面具。

    Also unearthed from the Sanxingdui site are several life-sized head sculptures of bronze , as well as animal head sculptures and masks , which are also of bronze .