
  • 网络Bronze Culture
  1. 在人类文明发展史上,青铜文化占有突出的地位。

    Bronze culture occupies a prominent position in the history of human civilization .

  2. 关于文化因素分析方法在青铜文化研究实践中的思考

    On the Cultural Element Analysis on the Bronze Culture

  3. 云南青铜文化区系类型的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on Regional Systems of Bronze Cultures in Yunnan

  4. 青铜文化在不同的历史时期,有着不同的特点和风格。

    Owing to the direct character of both his style .

  5. 冀北周代青铜文化初探

    A Preliminary Research on the Bronze Cultures of Zhou Dynasty in Northern Hebei Province

  6. 青铜文化考

    Observe and Study of the Culture of Bronze

  7. 概述了巴文化青铜文化的总体特征和巴人的生产活动。

    Summarizing the general features and the Ba culture of bronze culture production activities .

  8. 云南古代滇池地区青铜文化中的贮贝器综述

    A comprehensive description of bronze treasure receptacles in the Dianchi area in ancient Yunnan

  9. 前言:中国古代青铜器是“青铜文化”的重要组成部分。

    The ancient Chinese bronze casting is the important part of ancient Chinese bronze culture .

  10. 青铜文化与早期中国文明

    Bronze Culture & Early Chinese Civilization

  11. 岭南地区的青铜文化

    The Bronze Age Culture in Lingnan

  12. 试论中国西南民族地区青铜文化的地位

    A Preliminary Study of the Position of Bronze Culture of the Ethnic Groups in Southwest China

  13. 前人对铜陵青铜文化的研究,已有一定的成果。

    A lot of positive results of the previous studies on Tongling bronze culture have been gained .

  14. 讲秦陵铜车马是青铜文化积累和青铜器发展的必然结果;

    First , the Bronze chariots and Horses come from chariots and horses culture and driving system .

  15. 在十五个世纪漫长的时间里,中国的青铜文化从萌芽到发展到衰退都是沿着一条独特的脉络进行的。

    The sprouting , developing and declining of Culture of bronze has formed the Bronze Age of China .

  16. 中华民族古代灿烂的青铜文化,正好为我们思考这两个问题提供了一个很好的平台。

    The great culture of bronze has offered us a superexcellent base to thinking about the two questions .

  17. 造型和铭文具有鲜明的少数民族特征及地域性。因而区别于中原地区同期的青铜文化。

    So it is unique minority sculpt and posy different from mid-region bronze culture at hte same age .

  18. 总之,铜陵青铜文化已成为铜陵地区的标志性文化。

    All in all , the bronze culture has become one of the " representative culture " in Tongling .

  19. 岭南地区的青铜文化考古学所见长江三峡夏商周时期的渔业生产

    The Bronze Age Culture in Lingnan Fishing Industry of Three Gorges Area During the Bronze Age Revealed by Archaeological Evidences

  20. 而真正显示青铜文化辉煌的,是青铜器在贵族生活中的地位。

    However , what genuinely displays the splendor of the bronze culture is bronze ware 's status in aristocratic life .

  21. 这是中国古代青铜文化区别于其他国家青铜文化的显著特点,即与当时国家的政治生活息息相关。异常发达的青铜礼器折射出青铜时代的政治文明。

    Bronze Sacrificial Ware and Bronze Period of Political Civilization This is the peculiarity between China 's bronze culture and foreign bronze culture .

  22. 这一时期的青铜文化,同样是草原文化与中原文化发展过程中相互融合,又各具文化背景的文化类型。

    The Bronze Culture of this period is a culture combining Prairie Culture and Culture of central Plains while keeping its own characters .

  23. 从三星堆出土的青铜器被认为是中国西南地区青铜文化的典型代表。

    The bronze wares unearthed from the Sanxingdui ruins have been considered the most representative of the bronze-age cultural development in southwest china .

  24. 以考古材料为基础把物质文化分为代表性器物、青铜文化和生产活动三个方面。

    On the archaeological material as the basis material culture into the representation of objects , bronze culture and production activities in three aspects .

  25. 第三,中国北方游牧的兴起是在青铜文化背景下展开的。

    The third part approaches to the fact that nomadism of the north areas in ancient China from the social background of the bronze culture .

  26. 首先,笔者指出滇青铜文化发展的滞后性与技术的先进性之间存在矛盾,这种矛盾是由于滇国特殊的历史地理因素造成的。

    First , The author pointed out a contradiction that exist between the Bronze cultural development of backward and advanced Production technology of the Bronze .

  27. 寺洼文化是分布于甘肃省中南部及东部地区的一支别具特色的地方性青铜文化。

    The Siwa culture distributed in the south-east of Gansu Province and the north-west of Shan ' xi Province , it is a bronze age culture .

  28. 东北青铜文化分布的基本格局已具有了民族文化区的雏形。

    Fifthly , the basic pattern of the distribution of cultures of Bronze Age of Northeast China has possessed the embryonic form of the national regions of cultures .

  29. 宁夏地处黄土高原的西北,这里的青铜文化,以北方系青铜器为大宗,凸显出了宁夏在北方系青铜文化中的独特地位。

    NingXia , located in the northwest Loess Plateau , is characterized with northern bronzeware , which highlights its special status in the culture of northern line bronze .

  30. 本文主要采用狭义上的青铜文化的概念,但有时也有所延伸,涉及青铜时代的其它文化现象,即广义上的青铜文化的概念。

    This thesis mainly adopts the narrow sense of the concept of the bronze culture , but sometimes may also extend to the meaning of the broad meaning .