
  1. 欧洲与南美职业足球俱乐部青少年培训模式的比较研究

    Comparative Analysis on Junior Training Pattern of the Professional Football Club between Europe and South America

  2. 科技青训营孵化项目首批赞助的那六家公司中,好几个是典型青少年思维模式的产物。

    Many of the six companies that went through the inaugural teens in tech incubator program are definitely products of the teen mind .

  3. 虚拟社会与青少年社会化模式的变迁&从网络传播看青少年社会化问题

    Fictitious society and the changes of youngsters ' socialization model - Viewing the problem of youngsters ' socialization from internet spread

  4. 将三种模式有效结合,打造行政经营文化主导模式,是对社区体育俱乐部构建青少年体育网络模式的最佳优化方式。

    Effective combination of the three modes and executive operating cultural dominant mode is the best optimized way for the mode of building teenagers sports network based on community sports clubs . Sixth , the development strategies of building teenagers sports network based on community sports clubs are as follows .

  5. 如果人们通常倾向于回忆有关彼此的细节,那么对那些非常关注谁在家、谁出门、谁喜欢谁、谁生谁的气这些社交细节的青少年而言,这种模式可能更有影响力。

    If humans are generally geared to recall details about one another , this pattern is probably even more powerful among teenagers who are very attentive to social details : who is in , who is out , who likes whom , who is mad at whom .

  6. 青少年旅游市场培育模式研究

    Study to the mode of the teenager travel market to grow

  7. 韩国青少年睡眠/觉醒模式的年龄相关性改变

    Age-related changes in sleep / wake patterns among Korean teenagers

  8. 青少年心理门诊服务模式的探讨

    Study of Service Model in Outpatient Department of Counseling for Children and Adolescents

  9. 中日青少年足球教练员培养模式的比较研究

    The Study On The Comparison Of Training Mode Between The Chinese And Japanese Youth Soccer Coaches

  10. 寻找新的青少年足球人才培养模式成了目前的当务之急。

    So looking for the new cultivating model for youngster football talents is the highest priority for present . 3 .

  11. 优势视角介入边缘青少年社会工作实践模式的思考&以香港协青社为例

    Thought on Social Work Practice Model of Edge Teenager in Strengths Perspective & A Case Study of Hong Kong Youth Outreach

  12. 这正是我国对违法犯罪青少年的传统矫正模式在新形势下遇到的严峻挑战,不能有效地发挥矫正功能。

    That is our tradition of the law and juvenile correction mode in the face of severe challenges under the new situation effective play correction function .

  13. 在这种背景下,陪伴式青少年家庭社会工作模式应运而生。

    On the basis of the research ," Accompany adolescents " mode of the adolescent social work in the field of family emerges at a historic moment .

  14. 本研究揭示了网络德育工作的一般性规律,初步形成了青少年网络德育的模式,并提出了建立全国性德育网络的建议。

    The research have revealed ordinary regularity of network moral training , formed tentatively pattern of network moral training for teenagers , and put forward the suggestion about building nationwide network of moral training .

  15. 根据消费社会化理论对影响青少年消费价值观和行为的因素进行了分析,结果表明家庭社会经济地位和亲子关系都对青少年的消费模式产生影响。

    Based on the theory of consumer socialization , the factors underlining consuming values and behaviors were discussed . The authors argued specially for the influences of family economic status and parent-child relationship on consuming patterns of adolescents .