
  • 网络raytheon;Raytheon Company;rtn
  1. 不过,虽然现在获奖的增强型移动的RAID组合包括RAID功能,以及与其他系统,雷神公司不符合EMRAID参与,根据军队。

    But while the now award-winning Enhanced Mobile RAID assemblage encompasses RAID , along with other systems , Raytheon was not involved with EMRAID , according to the Army .

  2. 一年之内,雷神公司就申请了微波炉的专利。

    Within a year , Raytheon made a patent application for a microwave oven .

  3. 雷神公司的非制冷红外焦平面阵列的特性参数分析

    Analysis of Characteristic Parameters of Uncooled Focal Plane Arrays ( FPA ) Made by Raytheon System Company

  4. 防御装备承包商雷神系统公司,花费了1亿美元和14年的时间才研究出了把军事热成像技术用于民用汽车的方法。

    Raytheon Systems , the defense contractor , has spent $ 100 million and14 years figuring out how to adapt the military 's thermal imaging technology to civilian autos .

  5. 作为迪拜水电局(DEWA)20亿美元的证券化计划,雷神资产采购公司(ThorAssetPurchaseCompanyLimited)债券原本在2036年到期,但现在可能要在12月14日全部赎回。

    Dubai Electricity and Water Authority 's $ 2bn securitisation programme , Thor Asset Purchase Company Limited , an instrument originally maturing in 2036 , may have to be redeemed in full on December 14 .