
  • 【地名】【法国、海地】Raymond
  1. 基于模糊PID的雷蒙磨控制系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Raymond Mill Control System Based on Fuzzy PID

  2. 在其他人才中,雷蒙是一位杰出人士。与其合作的歌手也是各种年龄风格都蕴含其中,例如贝内特和LadyGaga。

    Among other talent , Ramone was master of Duwest . Prinse Signer was various age style for example Bennett and Lady Gaga .

  3. 济钢在球团膨润土中配加碱性物料,采用雷蒙磨细磨,试验成功了低SiO2含量、造球粘结性能良好的碱性复合球团用粘结剂,取代以SiO2含量为主的膨润土类粘结剂。

    A new alkaline complex binder with low SiO2 content and good balling binding behaviour , substituted for bentonite binding which the main content is SiO2 , is got by adding alkaline material to pellet bentonite .

  4. 任天堂已经宣布下一代游戏机NX即将发布,EEDAR公司的视频游戏分析师凯尔o雷蒙认为,这相当于任天堂已经默认了WiiU持续表现疲软的事实,因此WiiU将无法享受像前任Wii一样长的销售寿命。

    Nintendo has already announced its next console , the Nintendo NX device , which EEDAR video game analyst Kyle Lemmon believes is a tacit admission that the Wii U continues to underperform and won 't have the long shelf life that the Wii had last generation .

  5. 首先分析杜尚从艺术走向反艺术的原因:《下楼梯的裸女,2号》被拒绝展出和雷蒙·胡塞尔(RaymondRoussel)的影响。

    First , the reasons have been analyzed why Marcel Duchamp changes from advocating art to opposing art : 《 Nude Descending a Staircase , No. 2 》 is rejected in the display and the influence of Raymond Roussel .

  6. 特朗普总统在推特上对詹姆斯与CNN唐-雷蒙的采访表达了不屑,但名人堂成员迈克尔-乔丹对湖人前锋却送上了支持,即便詹姆斯在历史最佳的评比中已经对乔丹产生了实质性的威胁。

    In the wake of President Donald Trump 's disparaging Twitter comments on LeBron James ' interview with CNN 's Don Lemon , basketball Hall of Famer Michael Jordan expressed his backing of the Los Angeles Lakers forward who has become a viable threat to Jordan in the " greatest " debate among basketball pundits .

  7. “这种不偏不倚的行事方式让处于劣势的雷蒙多赢得了公众的赞赏。”

    Her " unbiased approach gave her underdog street cred . "

  8. 这一明显欠妥的公告发布一周后,雷蒙就黯然下台。

    One week after that impolitic disclosure , laymon left Ford .

  9. 嗯,你知道雷蒙给我留下了很多信。

    Well , you know that Ramon left me many letters .

  10. 我不要你这样说雷蒙!

    I won 't let you talk that way about ramon !

  11. 你不能用这种事情赌,雷蒙。

    You can 't gamble with these things , ramon .

  12. 雷蒙,你祖父一定非常以你为傲。

    Raymond , your granddad would be so goddamn proud of you .

  13. 雷蒙会接到称他父亲过世的电报。

    Ramond will receive a telegram that his father died .

  14. 你们两发生什么了,雷蒙?

    What 's going on between you two , ramon ?

  15. 你这祥利用雷蒙是不对的。

    It 's not right , what you 're doing to raymond .

  16. 雷蒙已经脱离了游泳队。

    Raymond 's washed his hands of the swimming team .

  17. 雷蒙:来,赶快给我车钥匙。

    Ramon : Here , gimme the keys real quick .

  18. 让雷蒙知道你将成为他的搭档。

    Show rambn you 're going to be his partner .

  19. 雷蒙被监禁后他就消失了。

    He went underground when rambn was taken into custody .

  20. 雷蒙,人无法改写自己的人生。

    Raymond , people can 't just rewrite their lives .

  21. 轮胎已检查燃料已检查雷蒙!

    Tires , checkd ! Fuel , Checked ! Remon !

  22. 太美味了,雷蒙太太真是太好吃了

    This is delicious , Mrs. Raymond . Absolutely delicious .

  23. 雷蒙磨粉机出粉结构的设计

    The design of powder discharging structure of Raymond Mill

  24. 雷蒙磨振动的原因及对策

    Causes and Countermeasures for the vibration of Raymond Mill

  25. 警察:雷蒙你们一伙人听着,我们已经包围你们了。

    Cop : Ramon and your gang , we 've got you surrounded .

  26. 雷蒙和我可能会在某些事情上意见不一。

    Raymond and I may disagree on certain issues .

  27. 看我们走得多远,它非常有效,雷蒙。

    Iook how far we 've come . it 's working , raymond .

  28. 雷蒙:我跟我兄弟一直想买一部厢型车。

    Ramon : Me and my vatos been lookin ? for a van .

  29. 我觉得雷蒙说得对。

    I think that Ramon has the right idea .

  30. 雷蒙·休斯雷蒙是象棋小组成员

    Raymond Hughes . Raymond 's on the chess team