
ɡuài shòu
  • legendary animal;monster
  1. 萨拉戏称她为“我的怪兽”。

    Sarah jokingly called her ' my monster '

  2. 电影公司趁着刚刚兴起的恐龙热正忙着赶拍怪兽电影。

    Studios are rushing out monster movies to take advantage of our new-found enthusiasm for dinosaurs .

  3. 在20世纪60年代,一支寻找怪兽的队伍成立了。

    During the 1960s , a team was formed to look for the monster .

  4. 急求GBA模拟器口袋怪兽红宝石秘籍

    Secret book of emergency demand GBA emulator bag monster ruby !

  5. 最新研究成果表明,市面上流行的能量饮料会给孩子的身体健康带来极大风险。饮用诸如怪兽、红牛、摇滚明星之类的能量饮料可能会引起癫痫、心脏病以及其他致命的疾病。

    Young children may face serious health risks from popular energy drinks , such as Monster , Red Bull and Rock Star , potentially causing seizures , heart problems and other life-threatening conditions , according to the findings of new research .

  6. 卡尔?丹汉姆:只有B级片中才有怪兽。

    Carl Denham : Monsters belong in B movies .

  7. 这些产品种类繁多,比如红牛,怪兽,RippedForce,SpeedStack,5-HourEnergy。

    These products have names like Red Bull , Monster , Ripped Force , Speed Stack and 5-Hour Energy .

  8. 而东映版蜘蛛侠的超能来自一只手镯,故事中他操纵着一部能变形的机器人与怪兽教授(ProfessorMonster)率领的邪恶势力作战。

    His alter ego , ' Supaidah Man , ' controls a giant transforming robot to battle an enemy named Professor Monster .

  9. 这些V8引擎怪兽的末日已经不远了。

    The handwriting is on the wall for these v-8-powered monsters .

  10. 如果LadyGaga要送她的小怪兽们一台限量版iPad,谁不想要?

    If Lady Gaga offers a limited edition iPad to her ' Little Monsters ' , who wouldn 't like to own one ?

  11. 两个系统设计关键因素曾在1995年允许他们伸缩他们的宿舍怪兽,而它们仍然适用今天的Google网络中的一百多万台服务器。

    Two key factors to the system design allowed them to scale the dorm-room beast in 1995 , and it still holds true for the million-plus servers in the Google network today .

  12. 想到这些,“小怪兽”们也许会尖叫,不过,在有人为ladygaga的70岁生日召集研讨会之前,有待她去证明的,还有很多。

    The little monsters may shriek at the thought , but Lady Gaga has much to prove before anyone convenes conferences for her 70th birthday .

  13. 可能是因为柯南·道尔的哥特式怪兽未能获评X级片感到失望,汉默公司于是转而寻找其他怪兽以支撑他们日渐高涨的恐怖片名声。

    Possibly dismayed that they 'd failed to gain an X Certificate for their version of Conan Doyle 's gothic creeper , Hammer now went in search of other beasts to bolster their growing horror reputation .

  14. 当她醒来时,她开始写一本书,内容是一个叫Frankenstein的科学家创造了一个恐怖的怪兽。

    When she awakened , she began to write her book about a scientist named Frankenstein who creates a frightening monster .

  15. 在火车上痛苦的闲聊是一回事,工作上的TMI却是个可怕怪兽。

    Painful chitchat on a train is one thing , but workplace TMI is its own monster .

  16. Chinook啤酒花让这款啤酒如同散发松树和柑橘芳香的黏稠树脂,包裹着饮酒者的喉咙。陈年后,这头“怪兽”会变得温柔起来。

    Viscous with Chinook hops ' throat-coating pine and citrus resin , this monster sweetens into old age .

  17. 漫威电影宇宙、星球大战、DC扩展宇宙、X战警宇宙、怪兽宇宙、哈利波特/神奇动物、变形金刚宇宙……拜它们所赐,现在每个好莱坞工作室都呼喊着要打造热门系列电影。

    Thanks to the unstoppable power of Marvel 's Cinematic Universe , Star Wars , the DC Extended Universe , the X-Men Universe , MonstersVerse , Harry Potter / Fantastic Beasts , and Transformers-Verse , every Hollywood studio is clamouring for a hit franchise .

  18. 但是基于有限状态机的AI引擎通常造成游戏角色的非智能行为,比如说:多个非玩家角色(NPC)占用同一路线,造成路径堵塞;怪兽不懂得协同作战等。

    But AI Game Engine that based on FSM usually make the unintelligence action , such as number of NPC occupy the same route , which cause path block ; Monsters cannot fight with a team .

  19. 你可以选择装饰品小球,还可以买小怪兽面具,但最棒的当属长期效力芬迪的设计师卡尔&12539;拉格菲尔德(KarlLagerfeld)缩小版雕像,白色皮毛充当着他那著名的白发。

    There are ornamental balls and little monster faces , but the best is a miniature caricature of Karl Lagerfeld , the label 's longtime designer , with white fur for his famous hair .

  20. 真假姑且不论,这个昵称Nessie的怪兽在过去的半个世纪中已经吸引了三千余名游客。

    Is it real or imaginary , this monster , which has been nicknamed Nessie , has collected a good 3000 sightings over the last 50 years ?

  21. 另外还有《芝麻街》(SesameStreet)的一些道具:饼干怪兽(CookieMonster)的饼干,厄尼(Ernie)的橡皮鸭和格罗弗(Grover)的斗篷,这是NASA与这个儿童电视节目合作,促进科学和数学教育的项目的一部分。

    Also aboard will be some items from " Sesame Street " : Cookie Monster 's cookie , Ernie 's rubber ducky and Grover 's cape , part of a collaboration between NASA and the children 's television program to promote science and math education .

  22. 为了拯救同伴,甘道夫毫不畏惧,在卡萨都姆(khazad-dum)桥上独自一人面对怪兽。

    To save his companions , Gandalf stands alone , fearlessly , on the bridge of khazad-dum and faces the monster .

  23. 他说:一旦人们看到这是一部怪兽片,是一部历史奇幻电影,而我并不是占了中国演员的角色,这种洗白(whitewashing)的指控就会消失。

    Once people see that it 's a monster movie and it 's a historical fantasy and I didn 't take a role away from a Chinese actor , he said , the charge of whitewashing would go away .

  24. 另一款游戏中,玩家可以扮演弓箭手,通过手中的显示屏将弓箭对准电视屏幕上的袭击者,同时还可以与其他玩家一起挥动手中的wii控制器,也就是挥动手中的“剑”来击退怪兽。

    In another game , a player takes on the role of a Bowman and uses the hand-held monitor to aim arrows at attackers on the TV screen while working in tandem with other players wielding the original Wii controllers as swords to fend off monsters .

  25. 今夏,环球影业将着力打造怪兽电影宇宙系列,推出新《木乃伊》。汤姆?克鲁斯在其中将与从古埃及穿越过来的木乃伊公主和Jekyll医生(罗素?克劳饰演)发生一系列故事。

    Later this summer , the studio is going to begin building out its monster-movie universe with a reboot of The Mummy , in which Tom Cruise will not only tangle with an Egyptian mummy but Dr. Jekyll ( Russell Crowe ) himself .

  26. JR整场比赛的投射表现都很稳定,特里斯坦(汤普森)再现此前G7的神勇状态,化身为我们过去几年见证过的那个前场篮板怪兽。

    JR was consistent all game with his ability to shoot the ball , and ( Thompson ) once again he just picked up right where he left off from Game 7 - just being a monster that we 've grown accustomed to over the last few years on the glass .

  27. 但我不再是怪兽了我只是

    But I 'm not a monster anymore . I 'm just

  28. 先生们我带来了天堂瀑布的怪兽!

    Gentlemen , I give you the monster of Paradise Falls !

  29. 独角兽是神话中仅长一只角的一种怪兽。

    The unicorn is a mythical creature with a single horn .

  30. 我想这应该是一个非常吓人的怪兽。

    I 'm sure this seems like a pretty scary monster .