
  • 网络Snarf
  1. 近日美国一家动物医院里的怪猫引发热议,有人评价说这是“世界上最丑的猫”。

    Ugly Bat Boy , now known as'The World 's Ugliest Cat , 'has been causing a stir at a veterinary hospital in America .

  2. 冰岛人会给自己家的猫装扮上蝴蝶结以免被别人误认为是会变形的圣诞怪猫,据说这种怪猫会把在圣诞节中只收到玩偶的孩子们吃掉。

    Icelanders bedecked their family felines in bows lest they be mistaken for the shape-shifting Christmas Cat , which reputedly gobbled up children who received only toys for Christmas .

  3. 更何况你一开始就不该跟踪别人、偷听他们说话,我也不喜欢自己女儿爬怪窗子抓流浪猫。

    You shouldn 't be following people about and spying on them in any case . Nor do I cherish the notion of my daughter climbing in strange windows after stray cats .