
  • 网络Ricard;Legarth
  1. 认为,淬火过程中产生的局部拉应力加上尖锐V型槽口引起的应力集中是造成开裂的主要原因。

    It is concluded that the local tensile stress created during quenching process and the stress concentration due to sharp V-shaped notch are the primary reasons of cracking .

  2. 电控汽油机动力加浓工况空燃比控制策略研究

    Research of Air-fuel Ratio Controlled Strategy in Power Enrichment Mode for Electronic Controlled Gasoline Engine

  3. 各报对此,必须依据下列各点从正面与侧面力加驳斥。

    All our papers must emphatically refute this , directly and indirectly , in accordance with the following points .

  4. 正畸力加在方丝两端,分析牙齿应力与位移的变化。

    When orthodontic force was loaded on both ends of wire , the distribution of stress and displacement was also analyzed .

  5. 牵引测力加同步跟踪拍摄水下录像的方法进行蛙泳运动员臂、腿分解动作的运动学、动力学综合测试。

    To make integration testing of kinematics and kinetics through towing force measurements plus synchronous 2D , 3D underwater video record .

  6. 当一个力加在一个物体上并使该物体加速或减速时,其结果是物体的运动发生变化。

    When a force is applied to an object and the object then speeds up or slows down , the result is a change in motion of the object .

  7. 而且不愿目睹或容许人权逐步被褫夺。对于这些人权我国一向坚贞不移,当前在国内和全世界我们也是对此力加维护的。

    the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed , and to which we are committed today at home and around the world .

  8. 第四章在寿命数据缺失场合,结合最小二乘法给出了指数分布k个应力步加试验下加速方程有2个未知参数的产品平均寿命的近似估计。

    Inc chapter IV , we present the estimation of the product 's mean life when the accelerated life equation has 2 unknown parameters under missing data .

  9. 对20个GFRP筋标准拔出试件进行了单调静力加载和高应力重复加卸载的粘结性能试验,考察了粘结强度、加载端滑移量、粘结刚度及滞回耗能的变化规律。

    Twenty standard bond specimens of GFRP rod were tested under monotonic load and cyclic load to study the changes of bond strength , the slip at the loaded end , unloading stiffness and hysteretic energy dissipation .

  10. 指数分布下随机应力步加试验参数估计

    Parameters estimates for random step-stress life-testing under exponential distribution

  11. 桩端持力层加筋作用的特性探讨

    Study of the Reinforcing Distinct Properties of the Soil Layer which Bears Pile Bottom

  12. 握裹力对加筋水泥土墙承载性能影响的试验研究加筋挡土墙的养护维修

    Experimental study on the influence of bond force on the mechanical properties of reinforced cement-soil wall

  13. 指数分布场合下双应力步加试验的最优设计

    Planning Step-stress Accelerated Life Tests With Two Experimental Factors for Exponential Distributions and Type I Censoring

  14. 裂纹表面作用分布力的加筋板应力强度因子

    The stress intensity factor of a finite internally cracked stiffened plate with load on a crack surface

  15. 在模型试验中加筋路堤的承载力随着加筋层数的增加而增加,因此适量增加加筋层数可以提高路堤的承载力。

    In model tests the bearing capacity of reinforced embankments were increased with the increment of the layers of H-V reinforcing elements .

  16. 尤其对双应力恒加试验下的可靠性指标给出了一种新的区间估计方法,从文中可以看出提高了区间估计的精度(详见§1.2中六、)。

    Especially , the paper gives a new method of extend estimation of reliability parameters , the method improves the accuracy of extent estimation .

  17. 计算结果表明,孔边界动应力对外加电场压电参数具有线性依赖关系,对于含椭圆形孔的无限压电介质进行低频和大压电特征参数情况下的动力分析是非常重要的。

    Results show that dynamic analyses are very important to an infinite piezoelectric medium with a non-circular hole at lower frequencies and larger characteristic parameters .

  18. 结果表明:非对称锯齿势,外部含时闪烁力及加性色噪声协调与联合作用,可使布朗粒子做梯跳或锯齿运动。

    This result exhibits that the cooperative effects caused by asymmetric ratchet potential , external flashing force and additive colored noise set a Brownian particle in the directed stepping motion .

  19. 当时你在异象中晓谕你的圣民,说,我已把救助之力,加在那有能者的身上。我高举那从民中所拣选的。

    Once you spoke in a vision , to your faithful people you said : 'I have bestowed strength on a warrior ; I have exalted a young man from among the people .

  20. 试验探索采用消力墩加糙方案,有效地消刹渠内水流能量,降低渠内的流速,使渠道不需要衬砌。

    The study is to explore the possibility of effective energy dissipation and decrease the flow speed in the canal through roughening the baffle pier , thus the canal is no need to be lined .

  21. 材料与方法:对63例经手术和/或病理证实的周围型肺癌行常规肺部CT扫描,并在病灶处用薄层高分辨力重建方式加扫。

    Materials and Methods : Routine CT scanning was performed in 63 cases of peripheral lung carcinoma confirmed by surgery and / or pathology , if a lesion was found in CT scanning , thin slice scanning of the lesion wth high resolution reconstruction was done .

  22. 有限元力学分析显示:术后0.5年起单纯植骨融合组的骨痂强度和融合节段相邻的C5椎体平均应力水平与加用钛板内固定组基本相当;

    By finite element calculation , it was demonstrated that the two groups had been well-matched in terms of the strength of bony callus and the average stress of C5 vertebrae at half a year after operation .

  23. 通常有限元分析结果提供结点位移和单元应力值,加上分析前的输入数据:各个节点座标和单元节点编号。

    Usually , the result of finite element analysis provides element stresses .

  24. 离心力场中外加颗粒分布模型

    Modeling of added particle distribution in centrifugal force field

  25. 不同应力路径对加筋土应力&应变关系的影响

    The Influence of Stress Path on the Stress Strain Relationship of Reinforced Soil

  26. 正交力通过弹簧加压式的滚轴加压于水管和固定的驱动滚轴而获得。

    Normal force is provided through a spring loaded roller pushing the pipe against the fixed drive roller .

  27. 仅含有二个高应力的步加试验称为简单步加试验。

    A simple step-stress accelerated life test ( ALT ) is a step-stress ALT with only two higher stresses .

  28. 也就是说,如果你的团队已经具备了良好的内在驱动力,那么加上外部驱动只会让事情变得更糟。

    That is , if your team already is well intrinsically motivated , you might well may things worse by adding extrinsic motivation .

  29. 对指数分布,分别在恒加应力与步加应力试验下,进行可靠性统计分析。

    For the occasion of exponential distribution , the reliability of accerated life test is analysed statistically under constant stress and stepwise stress respectively .

  30. 焊接结构中单向受压板件屈曲后承载力研究矩形加筋圆柱壳轴压屈曲承载力优化

    Weld construction single direction suffer press plank piece the crook loads research Buckling capacity optimization of cylindrical shell with rectangle stiffeners under uniform axial compression