
  1. 本文在碳纤维(CFRP)布预施应力抗弯加固混凝土梁方面进行了系统的理论分析与试验研究。

    In this paper , systemic theoretic analysis and experimental study on strengthening concrete beams in flexure with prestressed CFRP laminates have been performed .

  2. 桥梁加固分阶段受力抗弯承载力极限状态分析

    Analysis of Ultimate Stage Load - carrying Capacity of Strengthened Bending Member of Bridges

  3. 变幅杆共振频率与力抗负载关系数值分析

    Numerical value analysis of relationship between resonance frequency of ultrasonic horn and reactive load by numerical calculation

  4. 一只日本丹顶鹤去年十二月在日本北海道,力抗一只幼小老鹰。

    Japanese red-crowned crane fights against a young white-tailed eagle in Hokkaido , Japan in December last year .

  5. 它述及的案例是个人,致力于检视生命,力抗,一群顽固及偏狭的民众。

    It sets the case for the individual committed to the examined life over and against a bigoted and prejudiced multitude .

  6. 在仍然由三大国有航空公司主导的民航领域,总部位于上海的春秋航空通过大幅削减票价力抗竞争对手。

    The Shanghai-based carrier has fought against its competitors by slashing fares in a sector that is still dominated by the nation 's three state-run airlines .

  7. 结果表明:严格按照现行砼结构设计规范设计的梁,其可靠指标不一定满足目标可靠度的要求,甚至会出现承载力抗剪指标小于抗弯指标的情况;

    The results showed that it is not possible to attain the appointed reliability indexes even though the flexural beam is designed according to the current procedure . Moreover , there may be a case that the shear indexes are smaller than the flexural indexes .

  8. 菌株C可能抑制了松树上的内生病原菌和松材线虫携带的病原微生物,或提高了松树的生长力和抗逆能力。

    It was suggested that strain C inhibited pathogenic microbes accompanying nematodes and microbial endophytes of pine tree , or improved vitality and anti-adversity ability of pine tree .

  9. DX桩承力盘抗拔阻力的分析与研究

    Analysis and research of tensile resistance for load-carrying plate of DX pile

  10. 地基处理后的检测结果表明,加固后的地基完全能满足对地基沉降、承载力和抗液化的要求用归一化标准贯入N值估算砂土的相对密度

    Standard penetration tests after the treatment indicate that all SPT blow counts reach design required N values . Estimation of relative density of sandy soil by normalized SPT - N blow count

  11. 结论HA广泛涂层股骨假体具有骨传导作用,可抗轴向力和抗扭转力,且手术风险低,能够获得较好的同定。

    Conclusions HA coated prosthesis can achieve fine fixation , because it helps bone conduction , resists axial force and torsion , and reduces operative risks .

  12. 通过FRP片材加固混凝土梁、板结构可显著提高其抗弯承载力和抗剪承载力,并可有效控制裂缝的开展。

    FRP strip reinforcement for structure of beams and slabs can significantly increase their flexural capacity and shear capacity , and limit the development of cracks effectively .

  13. 还有抗心律失常、增强心肌收缩力、抗心肌缺氧、抗炎作用,以及能升高大鼠血清IgG水平。

    The granules are also good for anti inflammation , anti myocardial ischemia , anti arrhythmia , as well as for strengthening myocardiac contraction and increasing the serum IgG level .

  14. 此外.含促进剂M胶料的拉伸强度、定伸应力、抗撕裂性、弹性等均略低于含DM的胶料,而耐热老化性能却比DM胶料好。

    In addition , the tensile strength , modulus , tear resistance and rebound resilience of M containing compound were somewhat lower than those of DM containing compound , but the former gave better heat-aging resistance than the latter .

  15. 结果表明,FRP加固后梁的承载力和抗弯刚度得到显著提高,延性却有所降低,可以通过增加纤维布的长度来改善这种缺陷。

    The research results indicate that the bearing capacity and flexural stiffness of reinforced beam were markedly improved . However , its ductility was reduced , but this defect can be improved by increasing the length of FRP .

  16. 这种银&稀土(Ag-RE)复合镀层比镀银层硬度高、耐磨,结合力和抗变色性能强,而且孔隙率和接触电阻都较低。

    The semi-bright Ag-RE ( silver-rare earth ) composite deposits have the properties of higher hardness and wear resistance , greater adhesive strength , higher tarnish resistance , as well as lower porosity and lower contact resistance than pure silver plating layers .

  17. 非晶态合金丝巨应力电阻抗效应的研究

    A Study of Giant Stress Impedance Effect of Amorphous Alloy Wires

  18. 并对镀层的结合力和抗变色性能的改善提出了有效措施。

    Effects of testing methods for anti-tarnish property of silver deposits ;

  19. 长效地应力机制下套管应力与抗挤强度理论研究

    Theoretical Study of Casing Stress and Strength under Long-Term In-Situ Stresses

  20. 自升式平台地基承载力、抗倾稳性及桩腿插深分析

    Analysis of Stability Against Overturning and Foundation Bear Force for Jack-Up Rig

  21. 门式刚架受力蒙皮抗剪性能试验研究

    Experimental study on shear behavior of stressed diaphragm for steel gabled frame

  22. 选择高应力水平抗磨损材料的若干准则

    Some Criteria for Selecting the Wear-Resistant Materials at Higher-Stress Levels

  23. 低含水率非饱和土的有效应力及抗剪强度

    Effective stress and shear strength of unsaturated soil with low water content

  24. 氮化硅陶瓷的残余应力和抗弯强度特性

    Characteristics of Residual Stress and Bending Strength of ground Silicon Nitride Ceramics

  25. 聚氨酯夹芯板的受力蒙皮抗剪性能研究

    Shear Performance Research on the Stressed Skin Diaphragm of the Polyurethane Sandwich Panel

  26. 研究了极限上拔承载力和抗拔桩的破坏机理。

    The ultimate uplift bearing capacity , failure mechanism of piles were studied .

  27. 钴基非晶丝应力电阻抗效应

    Stress impedance effect in Co - based amorphous wire

  28. 奇可力皂苷抗脑缺血作用研究

    Effect of Anti-cerebral Ischemia of Gross Saponin of Chicory

  29. 弱轴T型钢半刚性连接节点极限承载力及抗弯刚度研究

    Research on the Ultimate Strength and Bending Rigidity of Minor Axis T-sub Semi-rigid Connections

  30. 在直剪试验中准确地测定峰值剪胀角、不加正应力的抗切强度和混凝土的强度;

    Make measurement of the peak dilation angle and the shear strength without normal stress ;