
  • 网络mechanical sensor;force sensor
  1. 基于力敏传感器密度计的设计与应用

    Design and Application of Density Meter on Force Sensor

  2. 分析了差分方法抑制漂移噪声的原理,提出了相应的处理算法和在石英谐振力敏传感器中应用。

    Principle of the differential method depressing the drift noise is analyzed , the algorithm in the quartz resonant force sensor is offered .

  3. 本文分析了声表面波(surfaceacousticwave简称SAW)力敏传感器加载后,频率稳定性变差的原因。

    The reason that the frequency stability is worse when force is loaded on the surface acoustic wave ( SAW ) force sensor is analyzed in this paper .

  4. 力敏传感器芯片设计分析

    The Analyses and Design of the Mechanics Sensor Chip

  5. 力敏传感器市场预测分析研究

    Analysis And Study On Pressure Sensor Market Forecast

  6. 力敏传感器专用工装设备研究是国家关于传感器产业化技术研究的重大项目之一,是研制、开发和生产高性能传感器的技术保障。

    Force Transducer Encapsulation Equipment is one of the key projects of National Transducer Industrialization Technology and it is the pre-requisite of high performance transducers .

  7. 该文概要介绍了一种基于数据采集卡的力敏传感器测试系统,着重阐述了高精度数据采集的实现。

    The paper presents a kind of sensor testing system based on the PCI data collection card , and emphasizes the implementation of high-accuracy data collection .