
  • 网络harmonic power
  1. 基于DSP算法的谐波功率测量仪的研究

    The study of harmonic power measurement instrument based on DSP algorithm

  2. 最后描述了采用DSP及FPGA等集成电路实现上述测量算法的谐波功率测量仪的系统设计原理。

    Then the principle of designing the harmonic power measurement instrument to implement the algorithm by using DSP and FPGA devices is described .

  3. 基于多CPU与相位差校正的高精度谐波功率测量

    Harmonic Power Measurement Based on Multi-CPU and a Phase Difference Correction Algorithm

  4. 利用Matlab模拟两个非线性用户接入电网的情况,系统侧和用户侧分摊的谐波功率证明了此方法的可行性。

    This paper chooses harmonic power to quantity harmonic responsibility and simulates a situation that two nonlinear users connected to the electricity grid with Matlab . The harmonic power apportioned by the system side and the user side proves the feasibility of this method .

  5. 在其他条件保持不变,偏振度变化时,讨论了背向Thomson散射谐波功率的极值问题。

    Keeping all the other situations the same while varying the degree of elliptical polarization , the extremum property of the backscattered radiation power of the nonlinear Thomson scattering is discussed .

  6. 谐波功率对感应式有功电度表计量的影响

    Influence of harmonic powers on metering error of induction watthour merer

  7. 基于傅氏系数自适应组合估计算法的谐波功率实时高精度计算

    Real-time high accuracy harmonic power measurement using adaptive Fourier linear combiner

  8. 基于谐波功率潮流分析的谐波电能检测与计量

    Detection and measurement device of harmonic electric energy based on harmonic power tidal current analysis

  9. 对比超声心动描记术时运用谐波功率多普勒显像定量评价心肌灌注的新方法

    Novel quantitative assessment of myocardial perfusion by harmonic power Doppler imaging during myocardial contrast echocardiography

  10. 谐波功率测量仪原理

    Principle of the harmonic power meter

  11. 多孔算法谐波功率测量带内误差分析与消除

    Analysis and elimination for leakage error in sub-bands of harmonic power measurement based on a trous algorithm

  12. 无源电力滤波器可消除主要的谐波功率电流,有源电力滤波器可以提高总体的补偿效果。

    Passive Power Filter can eliminate the main harmonic power current , while Active Power Filter can improve the overall effect .

  13. 文章以功率四边形方法为基础,给出了谐波功率测量仪的设计原理。

    This paper gives the principle of a kind of distortion power meter on the basis of the analysis of the power quadrangle .

  14. 本文在系统总结前人工作的基础上,指出谐波功率的测量和电能质量扰动参数的估计是目前电能质量分析的热点和亟待解决的难点问题。

    At present , harmonic power measurements and power quality disturbance parameter estimations are of the current hot-points and difficult problems to be solved of power quality analysis .

  15. 任何一种非线性负载所消耗的功率都可以分为两部分,一部分为从电网中吸取的基波功率,另一部分则是负的谐波功率。

    The power which any non-linear loads consumes can be divided into two sides , One is base power absorbed in power and the other is minus harmonics power .

  16. 本文中将倍频晶体分割成无数多个小倍频单元,并导出每个倍频单元中的谐波功率与倍频效率。

    In this paper , we divided the double frequency crystal into numerous small double frequency units and derived the harmonic power and the double frequency efficiency in each unit .

  17. 解析地研究了电子束的热效应对由基模群聚电子束产生的相干谐波功率的影响,并与外源预群聚电子束产生相干谐波的机制进行了比较。

    The thermal effect of the electron beam on the power of coherent harmonics generated by the fundamental mode bunching has been researched analytically , and compared with the mechanism generating coherent harmonics by the external source prebunching .

  18. 同时根据采样值系统计算了频率、有效值、谐波、功率因数等电量,并通过RS-485通信口与二级子站微机相配合,达到智能控制的作用。

    In such way , the frequency , the virtual value , the harmonic and power factor are acquired . It can achieve the intelligent control by way of cooperating with master station automatic apparatus system through adopting RS-485 communication standard .

  19. 基于舞阳钢铁公司6kV母线上的谐波及功率因数问题,从工程实际出发,设计一套谐波滤波及无功补偿系统,消除了谐波影响,提高了功率因数。

    Based on the Problem of Humorous and power factor in WIS CO 6 kV bus , starting from practical engineering , the text designed a set of harmonic filter and VAR compensation system . The harmonic influence was eliminated and the power factor was increased .

  20. 电源谐波无源功率因数校正方法的研究

    Study of harmonics reduction by using passive power factor correction method

  21. 整流机组谐波滤波器功率因数补偿不足的原因分析

    Analysis of the Harmonics Filter Parameters to Rectification Power Factor

  22. 一种无谐波高功率因数恒流电源

    A Harmonic-Free High Power Factor Constant Current Power Supply

  23. 由基模群聚产生的相干谐波的功率减少和电子束质量

    Degradation of the power of coherent harmonics generated by the fundamental mode bunching and electron beam quality

  24. 电力机车(韶山Ⅰ型)供电电流的谐波分析功率因数为1的新型交直直电力机车系统探讨


  25. 导出了基波电磁功率、稳定谐波电磁功率及脉动谐波电磁功率的计算公式。

    Then , the calculation formulas of the fundamental and steady harmonic as well as pulse harmonic electromagnetic powers are derived .

  26. 多电平变换器由于在输出功率、谐波、功率因数、负载共模电压等方面具有显著优势,从而得到了广泛关注。

    Multilevel inverters have drawn tremendous interest recently due to their advantages regarding power export , harmonics , power factor , and common-mode voltage .

  27. 本文中得到由基模群聚产生的相干谐波的功率表达式,并且解释了它们的时间剖型和线宽。

    Tn this paper , we have obtained the power expression of the coherent harmonic emission generated by the fundamental mode bunching , and explained their temporal profile and line-width .

  28. 电能质量问题被定义为:频率、电压所导致的问题,如电压跌落、电压闪变、电压短时中断、谐波、功率因数以及三相不平衡度。

    A power quality problem can be defined : problem due to frequency , voltage regulation , voltage dips , flicker , transients , harmonics , and power factor and 3 phase imbalance .

  29. 针对广泛使用的非线性负载(如整流器)易产生谐波和功率因数较低,设计了一种基于单位功率因数控制策略的用以抑制电网谐波、提高负载功率因数的三相并联有源滤波器。

    Owing to harmonics and low power factor of widely used nonlinear load ( rectifier ), a shunt three phase active power filter based on unity power control strategy is designed to suppress the harmonics and improve power factor in this paper .

  30. 探讨了方向电流保护的整定对灵敏度及可靠性的影响,包括谐波、功率方向继电器等的影响,还探讨了一些新的整定计算方法及灵敏度、可靠性研究方面的新动向。

    The influence on sensitivity and reliability caused by setting calculation of directional overcurrent protection is discussed , including influence on those of high frequency components and power directional relay . New setting calculation methods and researches on sensitivity and reliability are described .