
  1. 雷轰电闪。

    Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed .

  2. 狂风,暴雨,雷轰,电闪摇撼着我爱你的凭据。

    Winds , heavy rain , thunder , lightning shaking the love and support .

  3. 这雷轰和冰雹已经够了。

    Pray to the Lord , for we have had enough thunder and hail .

  4. 启四5有闪电、声音、雷轰,从宝座中发出。

    Rev . 4:5 And out of the throne come forth lightnings and voices and thunders .

  5. 值得怀念的是,1971年阿森纳获得双冠王,乔治在对利物浦的足总杯决赛上攻入雷轰电掣般的进球,取得胜利。

    Memorably , he clinched the Double in1971 with a thunderous winner in the FA Cup final against Liverpool .

  6. 这雷轰和冰雹已经够了。请你们求耶和华,我就容你们去,不再留住你们。

    Pray to the Lord , for we have had enough thunder and hail . I will let you go ; you don 't have to stay any longer .

  7. 神在圣经上说,在西乃山上还有雷轰和闪电,我想,以色列百姓根本不能靠近这山。

    God 's Word said there were also thunderings and lightnings coming from Mount Sinai , so you can believe the people of Israel were not getting anywhere near that mountain !

  8. 天使拿着香炉,盛满了坛上的火,倒在地上。随有雷轰,大声,闪电,地震。

    And the angel took the censer , and filled it with fire of the altar , and cast it into the earth : and there were voices , and thunderings , and lightnings , and an earthquake .

  9. 又有闪电,声音,雷轰,大地震,自从地上有人以来,没有这样大这样利害的地震。

    And there were voices , and thunders , and lightnings ; and there was a great earthquake , such as was not since men were upon the earth , so mighty an earthquake , and so great .

  10. 当时神天上的殿开了。在他殿中现出他的约柜后有闪电,声音,雷轰,地震,大雹。

    And the temple of God was opened in heaven , and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament : and there were lightnings , and voices , and thunderings , and an earthquake , and great hail .

  11. 万军之耶和华必用雷轰,地震,大声,旋风,暴风,并吞灭的火焰,向他讨罪。那是三十年来毁灭性最大的风暴。

    Thou shalt be visited of the LORD of hosts with thunder , and with earthquake , and great noise , with storm and tempest , and the flame of devouring fire . It was the most destructive storm in 30 years .