
  • Deliverer;Savior;rescuer;liberator
  1. 她们需要一个朋友或一个支持者,但永远不需要拯救者。

    They 'll need a friend , or a supporter , but never a savior .

  2. 但是,这座火山也许已成为青蛙最后的“拯救者”。

    But the volcano might prove to be the frog 's ultimate savior .

  3. 其中一篇文章说贝克汉姆意识到:“是的,我要当一名拯救者。这是我能够做到的。仅仅做一名优秀的足球运动员是不够的。我还得拯救全世界,向全世界传播足球的福音。”

    Yes , that 's what I wanted to be . What I still could be . It is not enough to be a great footballer . I have to go and save the world . To spread the gospel of football . " ( Source : The Independent )

  4. 我想,即使是德国总理安格拉默克尔(angelamerkel)现在也不知道,在日后的历史记载中,她将作为欧元的“刽子手”还是拯救者。

    My guess is that even Angela Merkel , the German Chancellor , does not yet know whether history will record her as the slayer or Saviour of the euro .

  5. 但作为国际金融危机拯救者的IMF,在维护国际金融稳定与发展中尚存有诸多缺陷,面对当今国际金融界新的形势和其自身的软肋,IMF的改革势在必行。

    However , being an organization salving international financial crisis , IMF has many faults in protecting the international financial stability and development . Facing itself fault and the new situation of present international financial field , the reform of IMF should be carried out essentially .

  6. 意大利已找到了拯救者,这可能吗?

    Was it possible that Italy had found her redeemer ?

  7. 摩西是把以色列人带出埃及的拯救者。

    Moses was the deliverer of the Israelites from egypt .

  8. 兰塞,你认为拯救者的事是一个神话吗?

    Rameses , do you believe this slave deliverer is a myth ?

  9. 他以俱乐部的可能拯救者的姿态出现。

    He emerged as the potential saviour of the club .

  10. 我想说的是,唯一的拯救者就是你自己。

    I would like to say that the only saver is yourself .

  11. 那个会解放希伯来人的拯救者在哪里?

    Where is this would-be deliverer who would set the Hebrews free ?

  12. 信念不会成为我的拯救者。

    The faith would not have been my salvation .

  13. 她们的精神世界往往高于男性,是男性灵魂的拯救者。

    They have nobler spirit than heroes and rescue the souls of heroes .

  14. 诗人们竭尽全力地赞颂自己的拯救者。

    To their deliverer the poets paid the greatest tribute they could render .

  15. 新兴市场是拯救者。

    It is the emerging markets to the rescue .

  16. 我不是你所害怕的拯救者。

    I am not this deliverer you fear .

  17. 他说,你是我精神的拯救者。

    You'are always in my mind these years .

  18. 如果最终书籍成为它们的拯救者,那难道不是颇具讽刺意味吗?

    Wouldn 't it be ironic if books turned out to be their savior ?

  19. 若真有国家亟待救援,德国显然是拯救者。

    If there is rescuing to be done , Germany is the obvious rescuer .

  20. 纽约时装周:更多的新拯救者

    The Salvation of New York Fashion Week

  21. 神会赐予我们一个拯救者。

    God will send us the deliverer .

  22. 至于承担整个人类大苦大难的拯救者,还需要我们继续翘首以待。

    As for the saver to rescue entire human suffering , we need continue waiting .

  23. 第四章综述女性作为自救者以及男性拯救者的社会意义。

    Chapter four focuses on the social significance of female as savior of herself and male .

  24. 耶和华赐给以色列人一位拯救者,使他们脱离亚兰人的手。

    The Lord provided a deliverer for Israel , and they escaped from the power of Aram .

  25. 人类是自身噩梦的缔造者,也是未来的拯救者。

    Man is the causer of their nightmares as well as the future savior on their own .

  26. 上帝不是人类直接的拯救者,他通过耶稣向人们传递着信息。

    God is not a direct Salvationist of mankind . he delivers information to people through Jesus .

  27. 虽然我们无法选择所有的结局,但我们须扮演拯救者的角色。

    We don 't get to choose all the endings , but we are asked to play the rescuers .

  28. 但是,民间的神仙信仰则始终保持了原始的人格神形象,其身份也始终保持了拯救者形象。

    However , in folk immortal belief , immortals always keep the immage of savior and gods with personality .

  29. 哪怕在她头脑中浮现出了拯救者,也主要是个天使,而不是英雄。

    Even the figure of a rescuer , if one dawned in her mind , was more angel than hero .

  30. 你所要做的就是信靠耶稣基督&我们永远信实的主和拯救者。

    All you have to do is put your trust in Jesus Christ , our ever faithful Lord and Savior .