
  • 网络shewbread;Showbread
  1. 因为有预备的帐幕、头一层叫作圣所.里面有灯台、桌子、和陈设饼。

    For there was a tabernacle made ; the first , wherein was the candlestick , and the table , and the shewbread ; which is called the sanctuary .

  2. 他怎么进了神的殿,吃了陈设饼,这饼不是他和跟从他的人可以吃得,惟独祭司才可以吃。

    How he entered into the house of God , and did eat the shewbread , which was not lawful for him to eat , neither for them which were with him , but only for the priests ?

  3. 桌子和桌子的一切器具并陈设饼。

    The table with all its articles and the bread of the Presence ;

  4. 每日早晚向耶和华献燔祭,烧美香,又在精金的桌子上摆陈设饼。

    Every morning and evening they present burnt offerings and fragrant incense to the Lord .

  5. 又要在桌子上,在我面前,常摆陈设饼。

    Put the bread of the Presence on this table to be before me at all times .

  6. 认为法柜、陈设饼桌、灯台、香坛各有何属灵象徵意义?

    What are the spiritual symbolic meanings of the ark , the table , the candlestick , and the incense altar ?

  7. 陈设饼金桌子的分两,银桌子的分两

    And by weight he gave gold for the tables of shewbread , for every table ; and likewise silver for the tables of silver

  8. 他怎么进了神的殿,拿陈设饼吃,又给跟从的人吃?

    4He entered the house of God , and taking the consecrated bread , he ate what is lawful only for priests to eat .

  9. 所罗门又造耶和华殿里的金坛和陈设饼的金桌子。

    And Solomon had all the vessels made for use in the house of the Lord : the altar of gold and the gold table on which the holy bread was placed ;

  10. 他们族弟兄哥辖子孙中,有管理陈设饼的,每安息日预备摆列。

    And some of their brothers , sons of the kohathites , were responsible for the holy bread which was put in order before the lord , to get it ready every sabbath .

  11. 并管理陈设饼,素祭的细面,或无酵薄饼,或用盘烤,或用油调和的物,又管理各样的升斗尺度。

    They were in charge of the bread set out on the table , the flour for the grain offerings , the unleavened wafers , the baking and the mixing , and all measurements of quantity and size .

  12. 他怎吗进了神的殿,拿陈设饼吃,又给跟从的人吃。这饼除了祭司以外,别人都不可吃。

    How he went into the house of God , and did take and eat the shewbread , and gave also to them that were with him ; which it is not lawful to eat but for the priests alone ?

  13. 他当亚比亚他作大祭司的时候、怎麽进了神的殿、吃了陈设饼、又给跟从他的人吃.这饼除了祭司以外、人都不可吃。

    How he went into the house of God in the days of Abiathar the high priest , and did eat the shewbread , which is not lawful to eat but for the priests , and gave also to them which were with him ?