
  1. 以下我们的记者陈哲(音译)发回的报道。

    Let 's follow our reporter Chen Zhe to find more .

  2. 艾茜和陈哲是在西安读书的学生。

    Ai Xi , front , and Chen Zhen are both students in Xi'an .

  3. 22岁的陈哲(音译)是来自爱丁堡大学金融专业的大四学生,他对此表示赞同。

    Chen Zhe , 22 , a senior majoring in finance at the University of Edinburgh , agreed .

  4. 生活在英国、接触全新文化、习俗以及结交新朋友,这都令陈哲意识到了保有本民族文化传统和身份的重要性。

    Chen 's experience of living in the UK and experiencing new cultures , traditions and people made him realize the significance of preserving his own cultural traditions and identity .