
  • 网络Wallin;Volin;Volyn;WALLEN;Pamela Wallin
  1. 提沃·沃林教授是纽卡斯尔大学联合教授;

    He is a Conjoint Professor of Psychology at the University of Newcastle ;

  2. “负担起更多的家务职责吧,”这是沃林传达给成家男人的信息。

    " Take more responsibility for things at home ," was Wallin 's message to men with families .

  3. 斯蒂芬•沃林有话对男人们说&多做家务,帮忙带孩子,多花点时间在家里。

    Stefan Wallin has a message for men & do more housework , help with the children and spend more time at home .

  4. 沃林说他希望会有这么一天,没人会再问哪个职位不管是在家庭还是在办公场合适合男性还是女性来做。

    Wallin said he hoped a time would come when no one would ask if any position at home or the office was right for a man or woman .