
jiè shān
  • boundary mountain
  1. 新疆盘羊分布非常广泛,从南边的昆仑&阿尔金山至最北的阿尔泰山,从东天山到准噶尔界山,甚至罗布泊和帕米尔都有分布。

    At present , argali is widespread in Xinjiang , even in Lop the and Pamirs .

  2. 随着周缘界山的隆升,准噶尔盆地形成三大前陆盆地系统。

    With the uplift of marginal mountains , three foreland basin systems were formed in Juggar basin .

  3. 首先是西北缘:早石炭世末期形成西北缘界山的雏形;

    Then Kelameili orogenic belt was developed in the northwest during middle and late periods of Late Carboniferous .

  4. 子洲&清涧气区上古生界山2~3段、盒8段储集层及其地球化学成因初步研究

    The Research on Reservoir Characteristics and Its Preliminary Geochemical Geneses of the Shan_2 ~ 3 and He_8 Member in Upper Paleozoic of Zizhou-Qingjian

  5. 位于吉林省延边朝鲜族州安图县和白山市抚松县境内,是中朝两国的界山。

    It is located between An Tu and Bai Shan in Ji Lin province , and it is also the border mountain between China and the North Korea .

  6. 五百年前被如来佛压在两界山下的美猴王孙悟空被唐三藏救出收为徒弟。

    Tang Sanzang has saved Monkey King Sun Wukong who had been pressed under the Mount Liangjie by the western paradise Rulai Buddha ( Tathagata ) five hundreds years ago .

  7. 它横亘于东西向的雅鲁藏布江谷地之中,从而成为雅鲁藏布江东西两侧地貌、植被和气候的重要界山。

    It was along the east-west valley of the Yarlung Zangbo River , making it the Brahmaputra things on both sides of the topography , vegetation and climate of Chiang important .

  8. 长白山是中国和朝鲜两国界山,自然环境复杂,垂直带谱齐全,野生植物种属丰富,物种多达2277种,其中具有观赏价值的植物达四百余种。

    Changbai Mountain is a mountain on the frontier between our country and DPRK . The natural environment is complex , vertical zone of natural plants is complete , and the species of wild plants is abundant totally 2 277 species , among which 400 species are ornamental .

  9. 赣西北中元古界双桥山群岩石有限应变分析

    The Limited Strain Analysis of Shuang qiao Mountain Group Rocks of the Middle Proterozoic Erathem In Northwest Jiangxi

  10. 研究了鄂尔多斯盆地东部上古生界山西组山2段储层的孔隙类型和次生孔隙成因。

    This paper is concerned with the reservoir characteristics and genesis of secondary pores of the Shan-2 Member of Shanxi Formation ( Lower Permian ) in the eastern of Ordos basin .