
  1. 职场女性如今仍会遭遇大量的“玻璃天花板”(glassceiling),不过人们似乎有理由期盼,敢做敢为的科技界会在多元化方面做出表率。

    Women in the workplace still encounter plenty of glass ceilings , but it would be good to think that the go-ahead world of technology is leading the way in diversity .

  2. 每个季节,时装界会奉献出成百上千个潮流。

    Every season , the fashion industry presents hundreds of trends .

  3. 你预计医疗界会怎么样?

    A : What do you expect will happen in medical field ?

  4. 新闻界会对这件事大肆渲染。

    The press will make a meal of this story .

  5. 2016年科技界会有什么样的新发现?

    What 's going to happen to the tech world in 2016 ?

  6. 但是,新闻界会不会走得太远呢?

    But can the press go too far ?

  7. 魔法界会怎样看待他?

    How must the wizarding world perceive him ?

  8. 新闻界会照单通吃的。

    The press is gonna eat this up .

  9. 也许医学界会以你为名。

    Maybe they 'll name yours after you .

  10. 新闻界会生吞活剥了我们的。

    Press is going to eat us alive .

  11. 要是我们收集的资料有差错,新闻界会把我们活吃了。

    If we get our facts wrong , we 'll be eaten alive by the press .

  12. 金融界会如何应对禽流感暴发,人们并不十分清楚。

    NOT much is known about how the financial world would cope with an outbreak of avian flu .

  13. 但毋庸置疑,没有公司的赞助,艺术界会普遍感到日子更难过。

    But certainly the arts generally would be feeling an even colder wind without the companies ' help .

  14. 因此预期中国银行界会因外国银行的进入而致竞争激烈。

    As a result , competition in the PRC banking sector from foreign banks is expected to intensify .

  15. IT界会让用户签订一份文档,然后来控制这些需求的变化,从而达到管理这些风险的目的。

    IT managed risk by having users sign off on a requirements document , and then controlling changes to those requirements .

  16. 换言之,如果一个脑癌高发期即将来临的话,科学界会看到“涨潮”的迹象。

    In other words , if a huge wave of brain cancer is on its way , scientists would expect to see the tide beginning to rise .

  17. 可以预期的现象之一是:设计教育界会像产业界、艺术界那样,在该法的精神和限制中创造契机。

    One of the phenomena that can expect is : Design of education circle to create the opportunity in spirit and restriction of this law as industrial circle , art circles .

  18. 也许医学界会以你为名,把它叫做“罗斯”,大家会说咳,他长了一个罗斯

    Maybe they 'll name yours after you ! Y'know , they 'll call it , The Ross . And then people would be like , " Awww , he 's got a Ross . "

  19. 据新华社报道,王健林称:中国有13亿的人口,潜力是巨大的,国际电影界会认识到,越早与中国合作就会越快盈利。

    With the huge potential that comes with a population of 1.3 billion , the global film industry will recognise that the sooner you partner with China , the sooner you make more money , he said , according to the state news agency , Xinhua .

  20. 艺术是有效的经济驱动力,一旦得到支持,整个小企业界都会受益。

    The arts are efficient economic drivers and when they are supported , the entire small-business community benefits .

  21. 当天是奥运圣火在英国传递的第53天,而接见伦敦奥组委主席SebastienCoe也是当天的一项任务。距离在伦敦点燃圣火宣告第30界奥运会开幕还有不到3个星期的时间。

    Day 53 of the relay also included a meeting with LOCOG Chairman Lord Sebastien Coe. It is less than three weeks before the torch is lit in London to signal the start of the 30th Olympiad .

  22. 中国文学艺术界联合会

    Chinese Art League China Federation of Literary and Art Circles

  23. 音乐界联谊会的会长斯宾塞小姐。

    Miss spencer , the president of the music circle .

  24. 改革开放时代呼唤精品力作文化立市大业需要优秀的文学艺术家&在深圳市文学艺术界联合会第五次代表大会上的讲话

    Keynote Speech at the Third Congress of Shenzhen Literary and Art Association

  25. 医学界变化会翻天覆地的。

    It could change the entire face of medicine .

  26. 凤姐此次高调进军演艺界势必会带来争议。

    Feng 's high-profile in entertainment industry is bound to bring into broad controversy .

  27. 老师们和其他教育界人士会对这个报告感兴趣。

    The report will be of interest to teachers and others in the education field .

  28. 我们非常喜欢这界世博会。

    We enjoyed the Expo very much .

  29. 香港航运界联谊会有限公司

    Hong Kong Shipping Circles Association Limited

  30. 如今的问题是,他离开成衣界是否会造成显著的改变。

    The question now is whether the step back from ready-to-wear will make any obvious difference .