
  1. 在芬兰,农民们会穿着纸靴,从而在雪地里保持脚的温度。

    In Finland . the farmers wear paper boots to keep their feet warm in the snow .

  2. 吉姆会在纸上写字。

    Jim can write some words on the page .

  3. 在基本算术中,有时会用到纸的二维特征,

    In elementary arithmetic the two-dimensional character of the paper is sometimes used .

  4. 据说,就连伊莉莎白女王也会戴纸帽子哦!

    It is rumoured that even the Queen wears her paper hat over lunch !

  5. 你会叠纸吗?

    Can you fold the paper ?

  6. 现在我们还不知道最终解决方案会是纸还是其他材料,她补充道。

    ' At this point , we don 't know if our end solution will be paper or another material , ' she added .

  7. 拉炮里会装有纸做的皇冠、写在纸上的名言或笑话,还会有一些小礼物。

    Inside the cracker there is a paper crown made from tissue paper , a motto or joke on a slip of paper and a little gift .

  8. 最后进行了水果生理保护纸的老化研究,粗略探讨一下用木素部分代替炭黑是否会影响纸的耐久性。

    Finally , we have studied aging of Fruit Raising Pouch and probed whether replacing partly carbon black with lignin will influence the endurance of the Fruit Raising Pouch or not .

  9. 随着白水封闭循环程度的不断提高,白水中纤维和细小纤维的回用必然会对纸机运行和纸页性质产生一定的影响。

    As the degree of white water closure improvement , the fibers and fines in white water will have a certain impact on the operation of paper machine and paper properties .

  10. 我会拍但是纸很贵,它要花更多钱的。

    I 'll take it but paper is expensive . it 'll cost more .

  11. 下次我会用双层纸

    Next time , I 'd use double-ply .

  12. 他想,他们怎么会把卫生纸搞错了。或许,整卷手纸都不好。

    How do they make toilet paper wrong , he wondered . Maybe the whole roll was no good .

  13. 可以,但考官只会对答题纸上的答案评分,不会考虑标注的内容。

    Yes , you can , the examiner will not mark your question paper , but only for the answer sheet .

  14. 让它穿过一个过滤器,然后其中的灰尘和其他的物质会留在过滤纸上。

    Pass it through a filter and the dirt and whatever else is in there will stay behind in the filter paper .

  15. 譬如在死气沉沉的教室里,孩子们也许会在草稿纸或课本的空页上不断地画圈以自娱自乐。

    In a drowsy schoolroom , for instance , children may amuse themselves by tracing repetitious looped patterns on scratch paper or on flyleaves of books .

  16. 随着时间的推移,面膜中所含的营养物质渗入肌肤,面膜会变得像纸一样薄。

    As time goes by , a sheet gets thinner like a paper since the nutritive substance the mask sheet contains will be permeated into a skin .

  17. 从前,为了过年讨吉利要写春联,小孩会准备笔墨纸砚;大人则要给家中各路神仙送行。

    In the past , children prepared for the holidays by writing New Year couplets for good luck while adults performed the important duty of sending off the household gods .

  18. 这是一个自己做的贴纸娃娃,可以把这个印在贴纸上,接下来几天我会为这个纸娃娃做些衣服。

    This is a paster doll drawn by myself , you can print this on a paster , I will do some dress for the doll on the following day .

  19. 只有你才能告诉自己的孙子虽然从来没有用完卫生纸但会担心卫生纸用光是什么感觉。

    Only you will be able to tell your grandchildren what it was like to be worried you 'd run out of toilet paper even though you never ran out of toilet paper .

  20. 不管原因是啥,下次需要记电话号码时,你一定会自觉拿起纸和笔了吧?不必依赖你的手机通讯录啦!

    Whatever the reason , you might want to pick up a pen and paper the next time you need to remember a phone number without having to look at the contacts in your phone .

  21. 我把作业纸放到了下载区,如果有找不到作业纸或者弄丢的同学可以到那再下载。因为本单元即将要考试的内容会与作业纸上的内容相似,请大家一定好好复习。

    I will put a copy of the worksheet in the downloads section in case any of the students have misplaced it , and also because it will be a good study aid for the upcoming test .

  22. 你都会有足够的纸来印制一亿美元了。

    You will get enough paper to print a billion bucks .

  23. 有一天我会把书和纸打包装进我的包里。

    One day I will pack my bags of books and paper .

  24. 将来学生会使用笔和纸吗?

    Will students use pens and paper in the future ?

  25. 2008北京奥运会开幕式大型纸的设计与分析

    Analysis and design of large paper at 2008 Beijing Olympic Games opening ceremony

  26. 登记人士会获发一纸登记纪录。

    The person who registers the Room will be given a registration record .

  27. 我会在一张纸上签名去结束我的家庭?

    I 'm supposed to sign a piece of paper and end my family ?

  28. 绝大多数时间他们会用彩色玻璃纸,”奥比里奥说道。

    Most of the time they would cover it with colored cellophane , " said Obillo .

  29. 他们也会接触到铜版纸,一种高级的重要文件用纸。

    They also come into contact with bond , a high-grade paper used for important documents .

  30. 每当他们找到了,他们都会用铅笔和纸将这个名字抄下来。

    Once they find the name , many rub a pencil on paper over the letters to copy it .