
  • 网络conversational implicature;The theory of conversational implicature
  1. 对于语义视角的连贯研究所存在的不足之处,语用学家Grice采用会话含义理论和合作原则进行了弥补。

    Pragmatist Grice therefore puts forward conversational implicature theory and principles of cooperation .

  2. 我们在预设理论和Grice会话含义理论基础上构建了理论框架。

    We establish a theoretical framework by combining theories of presupposition and Grice 's theory of conversational implicature .

  3. 鉴于关联理论和Grice的会话含义理论的密切关系,文章在解释随意言谈时,选择了从Grice的会话含义理论及其合作原则开始。

    As relevance theory is developed from Grice 's conversational implicature theory , the understanding of loose talk is firstly viewed in Grice 's sense .

  4. 文章运用Grice会话含义理论和合作原则,以《呼啸山庄》为实例,分析了小说人物的对话中所包含的会话含义以及特殊的语用意义。

    This article takes Wuthering Heights as an example by using Grice 's Cooperative Principle and maxims to analyze the conversational implication and the special pragmatic meanings in the main characters ' conversations of this novel .

  5. 会话含义理论在英语听力试题中的应用

    On the Application of Conversational Implication Theory in English Listening Test

  6. 会话含义理论与听力测试中的含蓄题

    The Theory of Conversational Implicature and the Implicit Meaning in Listening Test

  7. 言语行为理论与会话含义理论的哲学之维

    Philosophical Dimension of Speech Act Theory and Conversational Implicature

  8. 双关语·会话含义理论·广告效果

    Puns · Theory of Conversational Implicature · Advertising Effect

  9. 第三章主要介绍了两个理论:会话含义理论和关联理论。

    Chapter Three is Theory of Implicature and Relevance .

  10. 第二章:合作原则以及会话含义理论在《傲慢与偏见》中的运用。简。

    Chapter Two : The cooperative principle and conversational implicature in the novel .

  11. 会话含义理论指导下的《红楼梦》人物语言的语用分析及翻译

    Conversational Implicature-based Analysis and Translation of Character Utterances in a Dream of Red Mansions

  12. 会话含义理论是人们在口语交际中最基本也是最重要的生活交往准则。

    The theory of conversation meaning is a most basic and important rule in the intercommunication .

  13. 会话含义理论述评

    On the theory of conversational implicature

  14. 话语的隐含意义及其实现的方式正是会话含义理论和合作原则的研究范围。

    The intended message of utterance and its realization are what Implicature Theory and Cooperative Principle concern .

  15. 从会话含义理论看电影对白的字幕翻译&以《大腕》为个案研究

    Conversational Implicature Theory and Subtitle Translation of Film Dialogues : & a Case Study of Big Shot 's Funeral

  16. 它的言语行为理论,会话含义理论和关联理论都对隐性连贯有解释作用。

    Speech act theory , conversational implicative theory and relevant theory all function in the interpretation of implicit coherence .

  17. 依据美国哲学家格赖斯的会话含义理论,会话如果违反了合作原则,则会产生字面意义之外的会话含义。

    One of the results of violating the cooperative principle in conversation is the conversational implication beyond the literal meaning .

  18. 在这一过程中可能发挥作用的有合作原则、会话含义理论、礼貌原则和言语行为理论。

    To its solution , CP , Conversational Implicature , PP and Speech Act Theory are likely to take effect .

  19. 他的合作原则及会话含义理论为研究言外行为奠定了基础,在语用学界引起了普遍的关注。

    His theory that laid foundation for the study of implicit utterance has aroused broad attention in the field of pragmatics .

  20. 自1967年格莱斯提出会话含义理论以来,该理论一直被语言学家广泛研究探讨。

    The conversational implicature theory has been heatedly discussed and interpreted in the field of pragmatics since its inception by Grice in 1967 .

  21. 话语的隐含意义,分为自然与非自然意义,是格莱斯会话含义理论阐述的基本内容。

    The implied meaning can be divided into natural and non-natural meaning , which is basic in Grice 's theory of conversational implicature .

  22. 巴赫等人提出的言语行为图式是对言语行为理论和会话含义理论的新发展。

    The Speech Acts Schema put forward by Bach et al . marks a new development in Speech Acts Theory and Conversational Implicature Theory .

  23. 我决定说一个谎话我爱你论会话含义理论在《大话西游》经典台词中的体现

    " I decide to tell a lie I love you " On The Embodiment of Theory of Conversational Implicature in the Classic Lines of Chinese Odyssey

  24. 第三章和第四章分别讨论了运用会话含义理论的有关原则对实用文体进行翻译,包括合作原则和礼貌原则。

    Chapter 3 and chapter 4 are concerned with the pragmatic translation of PW via applying some principles in conversational implicature , including cooperation and politeness .

  25. 第二章对论文中涉及到的语用学理论,包括会话含义理论、合作原则以及礼貌原则,进行了简单的介绍。

    Chapter Two makes a brief introduction to the main theories adopted in this thesis , including conversational implicature , the Cooperative Principle and Politeness Theory .

  26. 会话含义理论对隐喻的研究做出了很大的贡献,但是,这种理论对由隐喻性话语所引起的意象或心理状态未能做出充分的解释。

    Grice 's theory contributes much to the study of metaphor , but it cannot adequately interpret the images or states of mind evoked by metaphorical utterances .

  27. 词汇语用学是以会话含义理论和关联理论为理论基础,结合语句中的语境和百科知识,对话语进行的动态分析与研究。

    Lexical pragmatics which is based on the conversational implicature theory and the relevance theory combines with contextual and encyclopedic knowledge to study the word meaning dynamically .

  28. 本文先从语用学中的两个基本的概念&意义与语境着手,介绍了格赖斯的合作原则及会话含义理论。

    This thesis first introduces two important concepts in pragmatics , i.e. meaning and context , and then introduces Grice 's Cooperative Principle and the theory of conversational implicature .

  29. 本文运用会话含义理论,结合周星驰电影中无厘头语言的会话实例进行阐释,分析了违反各种准则的情况下产生的会话含义和无厘头语言风格的实现。

    With this theory , the paper analyzed the Wulitou conversations in Zhou Xingchi s films to illustrate the presentation of conversation implicature and the fulfillment of Wulitou style .

  30. 借助会话含义理论与会话的合作原则,从语用学的角度对英语听力测试中的含蓄题进行分析,以期能对英语听力教学和学生听力理解能力的提高起到举一反三的作用。

    From the pragmatics point of view , this paper tries to analyse the implicit meaning in English listening test with the help of conversational implicature theory and co-operative principle .