
  • 网络Conference report;meeting report
  1. 电视会议新闻报道要在压缩一般性会议报道、改变会议新闻报道模式上创新。

    TV meeting reports should innovate itself in the respects as of condensing the popular meeting reports and change the patterns of the meeting news reports .

  2. 抛开新闻体制等宏观方面的阻碍不谈,对话精神的缺失可以看作是会议报道最大的瓶颈。

    Put aside the macroscopic block such as the system of the press , the biggest difficulty of conference report is the lack of real dialogue .

  3. 本文主要介绍了该会议报道的膜技术在饮用水处理中的应用与研究动态。

    This article introduces the development of membrane technology used in drinking water treatment reported in the conference .

  4. 一般来说,报纸采用美式英语的拼法,而会议报道和教科书则采用英式英语的拼法。

    Generally speaking , newspapers follow the American way , but conference reports and schoolbooks use the British spelling .

  5. 介绍了第53届国际线缆会议报道的光纤到户用的新光缆结构、性能和应用。

    The structures , performance , and applications of new types of fiber optic cable for FTTH , which were reported in the53rd IWCS , are introduced .

  6. 概述了2003年OFC会议上报道的平面光波导器件,着重介绍了平面光波导器件在新材料、新工艺、新结构方面的新进展和发展方向。

    The recent progress of planar optical waveguide devices reported on OFC 2003 has been overviewed and the emphasis is stressed on the progress of novel materials , new technology and novel structures used for planar optical waveguide devices .

  7. 儿童听力测试和康复:西学东进&来自2004年香港听力学国际会议的报道

    Report on 2004 paediatric audiology conference of Hong Kong

  8. 这项工作是由研究人员在普通微生物学会在英国举行的会议上报道出来的。

    The work was presented at a Society for General Microbiology conference in England .

  9. 试论电视会议新闻报道的创新

    On Innovation of TV Conference News Report

  10. 然而,看似客观的哥本哈根会议新闻报道,都隐含了各国媒体对此的议程设置。

    While the agenda setting is inevitably hidden behind those seemingly objective reports of different countries .

  11. 来自国际会议的报道。

    Reporting from global conferences .

  12. 赞助企业名称出现在支持媒体及网站媒体的会议相关报道中;

    The support business name appears in the support media and in the website media conference related report ;

  13. 2006年国际大电网会议系列报道(二)电力系统运行与控制技术新进展

    A Review of CIGRE 2006 's Panel Sessions Part Two New Technology Evolution on Power System Operation and Control

  14. 在美国化学学会全国会议上报道了该项研究。

    The work was reported at the national meeting of the American Chemical Society . [ Malay Mazumder et al . ]

  15. 她在每年都举行的美国肝脏病研究协会的会议上报道了她的研究结果。

    She reported the results of her study at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases .

  16. 因此本文通过对两会的报道为切入点,进一步研究这些年我国会议新闻报道的变革。

    So in this article , taking the NPC & CPPCC reports as the breakthrough point to research the changes in conference news during these years .

  17. 他们的发现发表在9月份发行的美国医学杂志上,并在更早的一个医学会议上报道过。这项研究对象是8个健康的年轻人。

    Their findings , published in the September issue of the American Journal of Medicine and reported earlier this year at a medical conference , are based on an experiment with eight healthy young men .

  18. 会议期间的报道由电话或电传打字机传来。

    Reports came in by telephone and teleprinter during the meeting .

  19. 我希望你就这个会议做个报道.

    I hope you 'll do a story about it .

  20. 一项美国生理学会会议研究如此报道。

    So says a study presented at a meeting of the American Physiological Society .

  21. 他们在国家科学院会议记录中报道,遗传分析结果表明人类寄生虫是黑猩猩寄生虫的直系后代。

    Genetic analysis suggests the human parasite is a direct descendant of the chimp parasite , they reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences .

  22. 其中,有众志成城、同仇敌忾的抗战形势,各种会议的场面报道,国共分和的坎坷经历。

    Among them , there are concerted efforts , the situation in the war against the common enemy , the various meetings and the department of the country .

  23. 但是要预先确定会议是否可以报道、以及所有与会者是否知道有记者在场。

    But be sure to establish beforehand whether the proceedings are on or off the record , and that all participants are aware that a journalist is present .

  24. 《星期日镜报》称,一份高层简报已被分发至英国各内阁部门,通知停止使用由华为公司制造的视频会议设备。报道还称,一些可能存在的漏洞已经引起了广泛的关注。

    A briefing was sent to all ministerial departments urging them to stop using the video-conferencing equipment , the newspaper said , adding that there are possible vulnerabilities that have caused widespread concern .

  25. 在科学会议上进行报道也面临着一些独特的挑战,你可以在会前、会中和会后使用一些不同的技巧,从而让你的报道的影响力最大化。

    Reporting from such conferences comes with its own challenges , and there are various techniques that can be used before , during and after a conference to maximise the impact of your reporting .

  26. 《星期日镜报》称,一份高层简报已被分发至英国各内阁部门,通知停止使用由华为公司制造的视频会议设备。报道还称,一些可能存在的“漏洞”已经引起了广泛的关注。

    A briefing was sent to all ministerial departments urging them to stop using the video-conferencing equipment , the newspaper said , adding that there are possible " vulnerabilities " that have caused widespread concern .

  27. 当地报纸对此会议作了长篇报道。

    The local newspaper gave a long write-up to the meeting .

  28. 他的这番有争议的言论作于上个月的地方议会定期会议上,据报道,他还提议发放当地产的日本山药&据说可以提高性耐力。

    Osada 's controversial remarks were made at a regular assembly meeting last month , when he also reportedly suggested handing out locally grown Japanese yams & said to boost sexual stamina .

  29. 他的这番有争议的言论作于上个月的地方议会定期会议上,据报道,他还提议发放当地产的日本山药——据说可以提高性耐力。

    Osada 's controversial remarks were made at a regular assembly meeting last month , when he also reportedly suggested handing out locally grown Japanese yams -- said to boost sexual stamina .

  30. 他补充称,欧洲媒体批评哥本哈根会议结果的某些报道,反映出欧洲方面的担心,即该地区在气候变化辩论中的影响力已明显下降。

    He added that some of the reports in European media criticizing the outcome of Copenhagen reflected fears in Europe that the region has become much less influential in the climate change debate .