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  • 网络spot color ink;spot-color ink
  1. 因此,专色油墨的调配就成了非常重要的一个环节。

    So deployment of spot-color ink becomes one of important parts of product packaging .

  2. 柔版印刷专色油墨配制理论

    Theory of flexographic spot-color ink matching

  3. 包装印刷专色油墨的计算机配色理论研究

    Study on Computer Color Matching of Special Ink in Packaging Printing

  4. 胶版印刷专色油墨的计算机配色方法

    Computer Match Colors Method of Hectograph Special Color Printing Ink

  5. 本课题所研究的柔版印刷专色油墨调配数学模型为以后研究计算机专色配色可提供一定的理论基础。

    The above-mentioned mathematical model can provide the theory basis with later computer spot-color matching .

  6. 专色油墨调配分浅色和深色油墨的调配。

    Generally speaking , spot colours preparation consists of light colour and dark colour preparation .

  7. 专色油墨的配制

    Preparation of Spot Colours

  8. 要掌握专色油墨的调配要点和调配技术才能熟练准确地调出合适的专色油墨。

    We have to grasp gist of spot colours preparation and its technology to prepare proper spot colours .

  9. 基于双常数的库贝卡-芒克理论,建立了一套针对塑料凹印专色油墨的配色算法。

    The color matching algorithm for spot-color ink used in gravure printing plastic film was established based on Kubelka-Munk theory with two constants .

  10. 为了改变彩色印刷中专色油墨人工配色的现状,本文就凹版印刷专色配色数学模型的建立进行了探讨。

    In order to change the present situation of the artificial method of spot-color matching , this paper discusses the method of how to establish computer spot-color matching .

  11. 本文作者对《印刷技术》中的一篇关于专色油墨调配的文章提出置疑,并详细分析了专色油墨调配时的配墨方程,提出了自己独到的见解。

    The author doubts a paper on spot-color matching of inks of Printing Technology and analyses the ink matching equation of in spot-color ink matching and advances his opinion .

  12. 根据混色系统理论、色度学及样条插值方法,提出了一种计算专色油墨配方的方法。

    According to color mixing system theory , chromaticity and spline interpolation method , a new interpolation method of calculating special color ink formula is processed in this paper .

  13. 近年来,专色油墨被广泛地应用于印刷中,能否使用密度测量的方法对专色油墨印刷进行控制是很多企业所关心的问题。

    It has been a growing concern in the printing industry that if can we use densitometry to measure and control spot color ink or not when considering printing process control .

  14. 这两种缺失特性问题可通过选择正确的复制工艺、承印物及采用适当的加网,或者通过补色或专色油墨、亮光油的印刷以及改变色序等措施来克服。

    Both problems can be countered by the right choices of the printing processes , substrates and the halftone dot structures , or by the measures of using supplementary inks or inks of special colors , overprint varnishes or coatings and changing the color trapping sequence , etc.

  15. 面向专色印制的油墨定制及图像分色算法的研究

    Studies on Ink Customization for Spot Color Printing Technology and Color Separation of Continuous Tone Pattern

  16. 为了能采用较少种油墨印制出色彩鲜艳的连续调图像,提出了一种面向专色印制的油墨定制及连续调图像分色算法。

    A new method of Ink customization and Spot color separation of continuous tone image is presented in this paper .

  17. 基于专色在地图印刷中的重要性,则通过测色配色实验来建立专色油墨的调配方案和四色叠印方案。

    At the same time , collocation schemes and four colors superimposition schemes of spot color would be founded based on the importance of spot color in printing .