
  • 网络rocker;Rock Singer
  1. “她非常会玩花样,”对Gaga赞赏有加的摇滚歌手艾利斯•库柏表示。库柏曾在舞台上表演“斩首”。

    ' She 's very vaudevillian , 'says an admiring Alice Cooper , the rocker whose history of stage theatrics includes simulated decapitations .

  2. 此外,有消息称她想去看哥特摇滚歌手玛丽莲曼森今晚的演唱会而没有被允许,因此感到烦躁。

    In addition , sources said she was upset at not being allowed to go to a concert by goth rocker Marilyn Manson tonight .

  3. 美国杂志把她奉为世界上最伟大的摇滚歌手。

    US magazines hailed her as the greatest rock'n'roll singer in the world

  4. 包括Gap,苹果以及新近加入的耐克等十家公司与摇滚歌手波诺发起的(RED)计划联合起来为抗击艾滋病筹集资金。

    Ten firms , including Gap , Apple and most recently Nike , have deals with ( RED ), a scheme fronted by Bono , a rock star , to raise money to fight AIDS .

  5. 据路透社3月21日报道,基里泰卡纳娃原计划在2005年与澳大利亚摇滚歌手约翰·法尔纳姆共同举行多场音乐会,但在观看法尔纳姆以前演出的DVD时发现了女歌迷向舞台投掷内衣的情景。

    The New Zealand soprano pulled out of a series of concerts with Australian rock singer John Farnham in2005 after watching a DVD in which female fans threw underwear at him on stage .

  6. 我觉得你不能称为摇滚歌手。

    I don 't think you 're a real rocker .

  7. 詹姆斯?布朗特。英国新晋民谣摇滚歌手现场演唱会。

    James blunt & chasing time the bedlam sessions .

  8. 杜明梦想有一天成为著名的摇滚歌手。

    Du Ming becoming a famous rock singer .

  9. 我儿子被摇滚歌手绑架了。

    Rock stars have kidnapped my son .

  10. 流浪摇滚歌手,小民是个机器人乐队主唱。

    Baiyu , rock singer , is the lead vocal of XiaoMing is a Robot .

  11. 美国乡村摇滚歌手泰勒?斯威夫特成千上万的歌迷们就遭遇了这一幕。

    That 's exactly what happened to millions of US country-pop singer Taylor Swift 's fans .

  12. 从那以后,年仅18岁的摇滚歌手看起来更加摇滚风了。

    But since then , the now only 18-year-old rocker is now looking even more edgy and hard core .

  13. 我没法容忍那种想法,就是弗兰西丝将变成象我这样自我毁灭、走向绝路的摇滚歌手。

    I can 't stand the thought of Frances becoming the miserable self-destructive , death rocker that I 've become .

  14. 埃尔顿?约翰是获得五次格莱美奖,一次奥斯卡的流行音乐/摇滚歌手、作曲家和钢琴家。

    Elton John is a five-time Grammy and one-time Academy Award-winning English pop / rock singer , composer and pianist .

  15. 这首歌是肯尼与民谣摇滚歌手格雷斯·波特为他2010年专辑《海明威的威士忌》所录制的二重唱。

    The song is a duet Kenny recorded with folk-rock singer Grace Potter for his 2010 album Hemingway 's Whiskey .

  16. 另一方面,摇滚歌手把音乐视为生命,他们演唱是为了满足内心的欲望。

    Rock singers on the other hand , make music their life . They play music to satisfy their inner desire .

  17. 当然你也许会取得成功,事实上,这种情况下成功的概率就像你会成为一个摇滚歌手一样渺茫。

    Sure you might rise to the top , but that 's like the chance of you becoming a rock star-slim .

  18. 1935年1月8日,摇滚歌手猫王在密西西比州图珀洛出生。

    On Jan. 8 , 1935 , rock ' n ' roll singer Elvis Presley was born in Tupelo , Miss .

  19. 他说:我正在招聘一位金融专家,一位候选人出现了,装扮得像一个朋克摇滚歌手。

    I was recruiting for a finance specialist and a candidate turned up dressed as a punk rocker , he says .

  20. 他帮助一些最初的英国摇滚歌手开始演艺生涯,例如克利夫理查德、亚当费斯及马蒂怀尔德。

    He helped start the careers of some of the first British rockers , such as cliff richard , Adam faith and Marty wilde .

  21. 在最差明星妈妈的“激烈角逐”中,摇滚歌手科特妮·洛芙击败了林赛·罗韩的母亲迪娜·罗韩,以及流行歌星“小甜甜”布兰妮。

    In a close battle for worst celebrity mom , rock singer Courtney Love edged out Dina Lohan mother of Lindsay Lohan and pop star Britney Spears .

  22. 他取代了猫王埃维斯·普里斯利成为进入公告榜前100名的男性摇滚歌手,获得109次通报表扬。

    He 's taken over from Elvis Presley as the leading male with the most entrance on Billboard 's Hot 100 chart , clocking out 109 mentions .

  23. 然后我坐下来欣赏下一位嘉宾的演出,他是著名的英国摇滚歌手乔.科克尔,演唱了他最新的热门歌曲《放飞我的心》。

    Then I settled in to enjoy the next guest , the famous English rocker Joe Cocker , as he sang his latest hit , Unchain My Heart .

  24. 比如,酒红色的鞋子不可能和黑色的西装一起穿,但一位摇滚歌手却有可能穿一件黑色的西装和红色的匡威全明星鞋子。

    For example , we dont have the burgundy shoes paired with a black suit . But a rocker might wear a black suit with red Converse All-Stars .

  25. 这位灵魂乐教父以其独创性的节奏,粗犷的嗓音和华丽的舞步影响了好几代的说唱和摇滚歌手。

    The Godfather of Soul influenced generations of musicians across a range of genres from rap to rock with his revolutionary rhythms , rough voice and flashy footwork .

  26. 第四章,中国女性摇滚歌手的出场是一道特别的风景线,女摇滚歌手的歌词作品从不同的角度反映了中国女性意识的觉醒。

    The appearance of Chinese female rock singers was a special landscape . Female rock singers ' lyrics works reflect the awakening of female consciousness in China from different respect .

  27. 相恋一年以来,章子怡与摇滚歌手汪峰的关系多次成为大家关注的头条。2015年5月,他们喜结良缘。

    After falling in love and constantly being put in the headlines for a year due to the relationship , Zhang Ziyi and rock singer Wang Feng got married in May 2015 .

  28. 撒贝宁曾于2011年9月与中国著名女演员章子怡展开过一段短暂的恋情,但是他们二人最终于2013年分手。之后章子怡嫁给了摇滚歌手汪峰。

    Sa once had a short relationship with Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi beginning in September 2011 , but they eventually broke up in 2013 and Zhang married rock singer Wang Feng afterwards .

  29. 但这个为球队加油打气的手势迅速在球迷之间受到追捧,并且在十年之后为美国摇滚歌手们所用,来鼓动歌迷们继续狂欢。

    But the " Hook ' em Horns " sign was immediately embraced by Longhorns fans , and a decade later by American rockers , who used it to encourage fans to party on .

  30. 没人会想到晚会会以这样的形式结束。威廉接受邀请和80年代摇滚歌手邦乔维一起站在舞台上,但他也坚持称,只有泰勒也来他才肯表演。

    Nobody could have guessed how the evening would end as William accepted an invitation to join 80s rocker Bon Jovi on stage , but insisting he would only do it if Taylor came too .