
  • 网络Rock Star;RockStar;Rock AND Roll STAR
  1. 高地是由风投机构银湖合伙公司(SilverLakePartners)的投资明星罗杰•麦克纳米和U2乐队的摇滚巨星波诺共同创立的,高地称自己通过合作“获得”了新媒体。

    Co-founded by Roger McNamee , who had been an investing star at tech buyout firm Silver Lake partners , and rock star Bono of U2 fame , elevation billed itself as a partnership that " got " new media .

  2. AlexHonnold被称为攀岩世界中的摇滚巨星,他云游世界各地,攀登上了了许多无人能及的悬崖峭壁,甚至是在不借助绳索的情况下。

    Dubbed the rock star of the climbing world , Alex Honnold travels the world fearlessly scaling cliff faces no man has ever climbed before - without even using a rope .

  3. 去向PaulMcCartney的老婆讨教吧(摇滚巨星其妻与之离婚时分得巨额财产)

    Just ask Paul McCartney 's wife .

  4. Beats公司更是把高端耳机变成了连说唱歌手、摇滚巨星也趋之若鹜的时尚配饰。

    Beats took that normality a step further by turning high-end headphones into fashion accessories fit for a rock or rap star .

  5. 很多人也吐槽他们的前卫发型简直就是大卫·鲍威在专辑ZiggyStardust塑造的外星人摇滚巨星穿上了糟糕的欧洲流行乐服饰。

    Many also have a go at their outrageously avant-garde hairstyles and David Bowie circa Ziggy Stardust meets awful Euro-pop dress sense .

  6. 开场的是势不可挡的澳大利亚舞台摇滚巨星“AC/DC”,他们现在都已经五六十岁了,在舞台上高视阔步,演唱了新歌《摇滚或破坏》(RockorBust),以及1979年的金曲《地狱之路》(HighwaytoHell)

    It opened with AC / DC , the indomitable Australian arena-rock stars , who - now in their 50s and 60s - strutted and duckwalked across the stage to their new song " Rock or Bust " and its 1979 hit , " Highway to Hell . "

  7. 他走进跳蛙玩具公司时,整个一副摇滚巨星的姿态。

    He 's like a rock star when he walks into LeapFrog .

  8. 马丁:莫迪走进体育场时,民众像欢迎摇滚巨星一样迎接他。

    MARTIN : Modi entered the arena to a rock star 's welcome .

  9. 那人是颗摇滚巨星。

    The man is a rock star .

  10. 鲍威为摇滚巨星,唱片销量约1.4亿张,人格魅力出众。

    Bowie , who was famous for his rock music and many personas , sold approximately 140 million albums .

  11. 我辞退了乐队而不感到后悔。我后来成了摇滚巨星。

    I quit the band and never looked back . I made it as a rock star on my own .

  12. 那个年老的摇滚巨星已是风烛残年。他已经喝烟酗酒很多年了。

    That old rock star has one foot in the grave . He 's been a heavy smoker and drinker for years .

  13. 最受欢迎的是尼克松总统1970年在白宫会见摇滚巨星“猫王”的一张照片。

    Especially popular are pictures of rock and roll legend Elvis Presley meeting with President Richard Nixon at the White House in1970 .

  14. 摇滚巨星模式:从车库起家,要您努力获得的最广阔的舞台与最忠实的歌迷;

    Rock Star mode : start out in a garage and work your way up to filling the biggest arenas with fans !

  15. 1980年摇滚巨星约翰蓝侬被枪杀了纽约市的公寓外一个明显失常范。

    In1980 , rock star John Lennon was shot to death outside his New York City apartment building by an apparently deranged fan .

  16. 我们从小看电视,相信有&天会成为富翁,明星或摇滚巨星,但是,我们不会。

    We 've all been raised on television to believe that one day we 'd all be millionaires and movie gods and rock stars .

  17. 英国老牌摇滚巨星洛德·史都华日前在巴黎埃菲尔铁塔的顶层,向相处了很长时间的女友彭尼·兰开斯特求婚。

    Rod Stewart has proposed to his longtime girlfriend at the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris , Stewart 's record company said Saturday .

  18. 连续多日,新闻界铺天盖地地报道了这位摇滚巨星及其作品,包括洛杉矶催人泪下的纪念活动。

    For several days , the networks provided wall-to-wall coverage of the pop icon and his works , including a tear-jerking memorial service in Los Angeles .

  19. 已经有好一阵子,青少年一直奉企业家为流行天王偶像,不管是盖兹或川普,几乎和他们崇拜摇滚巨星及运动员一样。

    For some time now , teenagers have been looking to entrepreneurs as pop icons-whether gates or trump-as much as they have to rock stars and athletes .

  20. 作为摇滚巨星兰尼·克拉维茨和演员莉莎·贝尼特的掌上明珠,就意味着她小小年纪就要曝光在好莱坞的聚光灯下。

    Being the daughter of rocker Lenny Kravitz and " Cosby Show " actress Lisa Bonet means that you are exposed to the Hollywood scene at an early age .

  21. 约翰·列侬遭枪杀1980年12月8日,摇滚巨星约翰·列侬在其位于纽约市的公寓外遭枪杀,凶手是一名崇拜他的疯狂歌迷。

    John Lennon Was Shot to Death In 1980 , rock star John Lennon was shot to death outside his New York City apartment building by an apparently deranged fan .

  22. 当个在那么多死忠歌迷前表演的摇滚巨星一定是很棒的感觉!我想我一定会很得意的!

    Jeff : It must be a great feeling to be a rock star performing in front of so many devoted fans ! I think that my head would swell !

  23. 随着乔布斯的逐渐成长,他在公开演说方面取得了长足进步,直至成为科技界毫无争议的,最具鼓动力的“摇滚巨星”(确实如此,请原谅我这样赞美他)。

    As he grew into himself , he got much better at public speaking until he became downright inspirational , and indisputably the tech industry 's ( really , please forgive me ) rock star .

  24. 美国资深音乐制作人肯尼•布鲁姆(音译)说,与过去相比,实况音乐节正在中国盛行。布鲁尼曾为中国摇滚巨星崔健制作过专辑。

    According to American veteran music producer Kenny Bloom , who used to produce albums for Cui Jian , one of China 's biggest rock music stars , live music festivals are flourishing in China compared to the past .

  25. 如果你不知道他是谁,你根本不会认为他是一个摇滚巨星,因为他外表看起来并不那么了不起。

    If you didn 't know who he was , you 'd never think he was some big rock star , because he doesn 't act like he 's hot shit or he needs attention or anything like that .

  26. 英国女王和007的扮演者共同演绎了一个皇家开幕式的序曲。在周五晚上举行的奥林匹克运动会开幕式上,演奏摇滚巨星披头士的音乐,足球明星贝克汉姆和憨豆先生的扮演者,一起演绎了一场别开生面的乐曲。

    The Queen and an actor playing James Bond gave the London Olympics a royal entrance like no other on Friday in an opening ceremony that rocked to the tunes of the Beatles , the Rolling Stones and the Who . Soccer sttar David Beckham and comedian Rowan Atkinson , who plays Mr Bean , also participated in the show .