
  • 网络additionality
  1. 布鲁塞尔关于“额外性”(additionality)和“辅助性原则”(subsidiarity)的术语可以收得同样的效果。

    Brussels jargon about " additionality " and " subsidiarity " achieves the same effect .

  2. 提出了额外性的层次等重要概念。

    Such important concepts as hierarchy of additionality were put forward .

  3. 然而,由于其固有的主观性质,额外性仍然是一个挑战。

    However , additionality remains a challenge due to its inherent subjective nature .

  4. 经过论证与计算,该项目内部收益率低于基准收益率,具有额外性。

    By demonstrate and calculate , the IRR revenue is lower than the benchmark revenue that proves the project has additional .

  5. 分析了额外性的基本含义,各个不同国家在这个问题上的观点,各种不同判断准则的合理性和可操作性等。

    Analysis focused on various implications of additionality , points of view of different countries on this issue , the rationality and feasibility of various criteria etc.

  6. 利用登记的项目设计书和监测计划所列一致的方法确认该项目的额外性。

    Determination of additional reductions in GHG emissions using calculation procedures consistent with those contained in the registered project design document and in the monitoring plan ;

  7. 欧洲央行执行委员会还证实,它将把“退出策略”停止自2008年9月雷曼(lehman)倒闭以来一直向银行提供的额外流动性支持的下一阶段推至少迟至明年4月份。

    The ECB Governing Council also confirmed it would delay until at least April the next stage in its " exit strategy " to unwind the exceptional liquidity support it has been providing to banks since the collapse of Lehman in September 2008 .

  8. 但是,我还想添加某些额外功能性。

    But , there is some additional functionality I 'd like to add .

  9. 持有质量更高的额外流动性或现金储备也会侵蚀利润空间。

    Holding extra , higher-quality liquidity or cash reserves will also eat into profits .

  10. 尽管这很花时间,但是我们觉得值得花时间提供有额外安全性的系统。

    Though this task is time-consuming , we decided it was worth the time necessary to provide the system with additional security .

  11. 如果他们只有一条遗传序列上有这种基因,就会产生一个意料之外的好处:对疟疾的额外免疫性。

    However , if they have the gene on just one of their chromosomes , they get a surprise benefit : extra resistance to malaria .

  12. 佛罗里达州立再保险公司飓风巨灾基金(FHCF)减少了对保险公司20亿美元的额外流动性支持后,对低端风险的再保险需求上升。

    Demand for reinsurance for lower-end risks increased after the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund , the state-run reinsurer , cut $ 2bn in extra liquidity support for insurers .

  13. 如果希望组件提供新的主要用途,请考虑这是否会创建新的信任边界和带来在组件外进行额外有效性检查的需求。

    If a new primary use is anticipated for a component , consider whether this creates a new trust boundary and a need for additional validity checking outside the component .

  14. 欧洲央行已将官方利率大幅调低至1%的历史最低水平,并向银行业体系注入了数千亿欧元的额外流动性。

    The ECB has slashed official interest rates to a record low of 1 per cent and pumped hundreds of billions of euros of extra liquidity into the banking system .

  15. 现有程序的额外程序性要求或变更不得适用于装运货物,除非在安排检验日期时已将这些变更通知有关出口商。

    Additional procedural requirements or changes in existing procedures shall not be applied to a shipment unless the exporter concerned is informed of these changes at the time the inspection date is arranged .

  16. “我们预计中东和北非投资组合将在中短期内提供有吸引力的退出机会,并为之后的投资提供额外流动性,”该公司表示。

    " We expect the Middle East and North Africa portfolio will provide DIC with attractive exits in the near to medium term and provide additional liquidity for follow-on investments , " it said .

  17. 德里克认为,鉴于宏观经济形势依然不确定和地缘政治形势高度紧张,波动性低是一种假象,是由央行注入额外流动性导致的。

    Given the uncertain macro-economic picture and the high level of geopolitical tensions , Mr Derrick believes it is the latter , caused by the extra liquidity being injected into the system by central banks .

  18. 无论精确的数字是多少,房地产的规模都是如此之大,以至于一旦信贷环境趋于宽松,它便有可能吸入大量的额外流动性;而当某些方面出现问题时,结果就将很严重。

    Whatever the precise number , property is so big that when credit conditions loosen it is likely to absorb a lot of the extra liquidity ; and when something goes wrong the effects will be serious .

  19. 欧央行将“及时而逐步”取消为欧元区银行提供额外流动性的措施,“以有效反制中长期价格稳定所面临的任何威胁”。

    ECB measures to provide extra liquidity to eurozone banks would be phased out in a " timely and gradual " fashion " to counter effectively any threat to price stability over the medium to longer term " .

  20. 越南盾隔夜银行间拆借利率最近已经一度升至高达40%。不过,在上周越南央行向金融系统注入了一些额外流动性后,该利率回落至9%至10%。

    Overnight inter-bank rates for the currency have reached as high as 40 per cent recently although rates dropped last week to 9 - 10 per cent when the central bank injected some additional liquidity into the system .

  21. MVC应用法度额外的错杂性则是无法包管的。

    The additional complexity of an MVC application simply isn 't warranted .

  22. EJB的过滤功能可以在很多情况下起到作用,例如日志记录或者额外的安全性检查。

    EJB filtering could help in many situations , such as logging or additional security checks .

  23. OpenSSH还提供了许多身份验证机制以实现额外的安全性。

    OpenSSH also provides many authentication mechanisms for additional security .

  24. 并且,你可能要做一个mdf和ldf文件的文件备份作为额外的安全性。

    Also , you might want to do a file backup of the mdf and ldf files , for extra safety .

  25. 但是,基于JVM的现代语言提供了一些额外的便利性,比如说开放类,它允许您重新打开已有类并向它们添加新的方法,而不需要子类化过程。

    However , modern languages on the JVM have other facilities , such as open classes , which allow you to reopen existing classes and add new methods to them without requiring subclassing .

  26. 分布式存储和多租户会带来额外的安全性需求。

    Additional security needs arise due to distributed storage and multi-tenancy .

  27. 额外的安全性,添加少量胶水。

    For extra security , add a dab of glue .

  28. 因此,横跨多个实体的权限管理带来了额外的安全性挑战。

    The issue of privilege management across multiple domains will bring additional challenges .

  29. 从2009年中期开始,我们使用货币政策工具吸收额外的流动性。

    Since mid-2009 , we have used monetary policy tools to absorb excess liquidity .

  30. 额外的流动性不再被视为是过度的。

    Excess liquidity is no longer deemed excessive .