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é jiǎo
  • Frontal horn;frontal eminence;frontal angle
额角 [é jiǎo]
  • [frontal eminence] 从前囟和眉间到耳点的线的交叉角

额角[é jiǎo]
  1. 他额角上暴起了青筋。

    Blue veins stood out on his temples .

  2. 单侧额颞顶急性硬膜下血肿外侧裂池及侧脑室额角的变化与GCS、GOS的相关性

    Unilateral Frontal-temporal-parietal Acute Subdural Hematoma Lateral Fissure and Lateral Brows Pool Changes and GCS , GOS Relevance

  3. 无情的刀刃儿纠缠着无辜的额角。

    Unmerciful edge of knife keep on at innocent frontal eminence .

  4. 清早凝结着寒露,冷彻了我的额角

    The dew of the morning , sank chill on my brow

  5. 用沟道产额角分布技术研究硅中超固溶度激活杂质的失活机理

    Deactivation Mechanism of Supersaturated Impurities in Silicon Determined by Channeling Angular Distribution

  6. 她握紧拳头打着额角。

    She struck her forehead with her clenched fist .

  7. 蒙特卡罗模拟单元素靶的溅射产额角分布

    Monte-Carlo Simulation of Sputtering for Angular Distribution of Sputtered Atoms from Element Targets

  8. 安德烈公爵从沙发一旁绕过去,吻了吻她的额角。

    Prince Andrey went round the bed and kissed her on the forehead .

  9. 他的脸色倏又转为灰白,汗珠布满了他的额角。

    His face was ashen now , and beads of sweat broke out on his temples .

  10. 冷彻了我的额角。

    Sunk chill on my brow .

  11. 目的:建立准确性高、易掌握的侧脑室额角定位与穿刺方法。

    Objective : To establish a high accuracy and easy control puncture of lateral ventricle anterior hom .

  12. 结果经额角入路观察侧脑室体部、枕角,三脑室底部、后部;

    Results The body and occipital horn of the later ventricle could be observed via front horn approach .

  13. 朱桂英走到她母亲身边,拿手到老太婆那叠满皱纹的额角上按了一下。

    Chu Kuei-ying went across to her mother and laid her hand on the old lady 's much wrinkled forehead .

  14. 夏先生的心头似乎还清楚,他重新坐下,把一只手按在额角上。

    Mr. Xia seemed to understand , for he sat down again , put up his hand to his brow .

  15. 他又一次揩去了额角上的汗珠,带几分焦灼的神气,不转睛地看定了林佩珊的俏脸。

    Once more he wiped his perspiring brow , then fixed his eyes a little nervously on her pretty face .

  16. 结果(1)进入脑室的穿刺点有四个:额角、枕角、三角区、颞角穿刺点;

    Results ( 1 ) There were four approaches to ventricles : frontal , occipital , triangle area and temporal point .

  17. 他的老眼闪闪地放光,额角上的淡红色转为深朱,虽然他的嘴唇簌簌地抖着。

    His old eyes gleamed , the faint reddish patches on his temples turned a deep red , and his lips trembled .

  18. 他把它小心地藏在办公室的文件橱里,抹抹额角和脸上的汗珠。

    He put it carefully away in the filling cabinet in his office , and wiped the sweat from his forehead and face .

  19. 他的脸上带着微笑,希望把这件事情当作一次玩笑,但他额角上却已经汗涔涔地了。

    And while he smiled as he attempted to regard the affair as a joke , he felt his temples get moist with perspiration .

  20. 他那脸色和眼神的确好多了,额角却是火烧一般红。

    His face was a better colour now , and life was returning to his eyes , though his forehead was as red as fire .

  21. 他杀了我的父母,是吗,那在我额角留下这疤痕的人?你知道的,海格,我知道你很清楚这件事。

    He killed my parents , didn 't he , the one who gave me this ? You know , hagrid , I know you do .

  22. 安德烈公爵蹙起额角,双手抱着头,走出房门,在隔壁房里的沙发上坐下来。

    Prince Andrey , scowling and clutching at his head , went out of the room and sat down on the sofa in the adjoining one .

  23. 我那位有天才的同乡忧郁地站在旁边,交叉着双臂,我看他的鬈发和额角真该化妆得像一些才是。

    My gifted townsman stood gloomily apart , with folded arms , and I could have wished that his curls and forehead had been more probable .

  24. 其中在尸颅标本采用经侧脑室额角、枕角和三脑室后部入路观察脑室;

    In cadaver heads , the third ventricles were observed via the frontal horns and occipital horns approaches , and the posterior part of the third ventricle approach .

  25. 一扇矮门在他的面前打开了,他低下头,以免撞伤额角,走进一个用岩石挖成的小地室。

    Then a low door was opened before him , and bending his head to avoid striking his forehead he entered a small room cut out of the rock .

  26. 呵,那一刻正预兆了我今日的悲痛。清早凝结着寒露,冷彻了我的额角-是对我此刻的警告,悲伤在今天。

    Truly that hour foretold Sorrow to this . The dew of the morning Sank chill on my brow - It felt like the warning Of what I feel now .

  27. 结果脉络丛、室间孔、乳头体及导水管开口等是内镜经额角入路观察侧脑室和第三脑室的重要路标。

    Results The important " road mark " in the lateral and third ventricles included the choroids plexus , Monro foramen , mamillary body , the open of aqueduct and so on .

  28. 其生物学特性与罗氏沼虾和日本沼虾相比有许多相似之处,但在体色、额角、头胸甲和腹甲侧片等形态特征上差异十分明显。

    Though there are many similarities in their biological characteristics , there are also many differences in body color , rostrum , carapace and sternite pleurons , which can be obviously identified .

  29. 头面部器官各测量项目:除容貌耳长、鼻额角两个项目所测值女性大于男性,其余所测项目均是男性大于女性。

    Measurement items of craniofacial organs : Only the values of physiognomic ear length and frontonasal angle were higher in females than in males , all the other items were higher in males than in females .

  30. 为探讨重度脑室出血的有效治疗方法,对33例重度脑室出血患者采用双侧脑室额角置套管尿激酶灌注冲洗引流和终池脑脊液置换引流治疗。

    To explore an effective treatment on severe ventricular hemorrhage , 33 patients with severe ventricular hemorrhage were perfused urokinase through installing cannulas in bilateral ventricles to drain , and liquor cerebrospinalis was replaced and drained in terminal cistern .