
  • 网络industrial energy saving
  1. SVC补偿技术应用在工业节能中能发挥很好的作用。

    The SVC technology has excellent performances in the industrial energy saving .

  2. 该系统满足工艺要求,在工业节能上达到较好的效果。

    The system can meet the needs of procedures and can obtain good effect in industrial energy saving .

  3. 我国电力工业节能现状及展望

    Status quo and prospect of energy-saving in China 's power industry

  4. 控制水泥粉磨细度和掺加活性混合材对水泥工业节能的影响

    Energy Saving by Controlling Cement Fineness and Mixing with Active Additions

  5. 玻璃工业节能与环保综合研究途径

    How to Research Synthetically Energy Saving and Enviromental Protection of Glass Industry

  6. 当前钢铁工业节能对策的若干问题

    Some problems of energy-saving Countermeasures in iron and steel industry at present

  7. 1992年冶金工业节能工作要点

    Main points of energy-saving work of metallurgical industry in 1992

  8. 橡胶工业节能技改与导热油加热技术

    Energy saving and hot oil circulation technique in rubber industry

  9. 颁布执行新的建筑、家用电器和工业节能标准;

    Mandates new energy-saving standards for buildings , appliances , and industry .

  10. 我国制油工业节能降耗技术分析

    Analysis of reducing energy and solvent loss of domestic oils preparation industry

  11. 新型墙体材料工业节能环保型隧道窑的设计

    Design of energy-saving and environment protective tunnel kiln in wall material industrial

  12. 基于协调学的钢铁工业节能模式研究

    Energy mode research based on coordination science for iron and steel complex

  13. 工业节能行业前景可观

    The optimistic prospect of Industry of Energy Conservation Equipment

  14. 水泥工业节能减排技术及装备的研究进展

    Research Progress in Technology and Equipments of Energy-economize and Contamination-control in Cement Industry

  15. 钢铁工业节能科研的主攻方向

    The main target of research on saving energy in iron and steel industry

  16. 她在工业节能方面有实践经验。

    She has practice at energy conservation in industry .

  17. 应用浓醪发酵技术,推动酒精工业节能及清洁生产

    Application of High-concentration Mash Fermentation Techniques to Advance Energy-saving & Cleaning Alcohol Production

  18. 哈尔滨市工业节能项目优化模型研究

    Research on Harbin Industrial Energy Conservation Projects Optimization Model

  19. 自动检测技术与仪表在工业节能中的应用

    Application of Automatic Measuring Technology and Instruments in Energy-saving

  20. 我国氯碱工业节能技术的进展与发展方向

    Advance and development direction of energy-saving techniques in chlor-alkali industry of our country

  21. 我国电力工业节能状况分析

    Analysis on Energy Saving Condition in China Power Industry

  22. 温室气体、气候变化与工业节能

    Greenhouse gases , climate change and industrial energy saving

  23. 耐火纤维制品在冶金工业节能降耗中的作用

    Effect of refractory fibre products on energy saving and consumption reduction for metallurgical industry

  24. 日本钢铁工业节能

    Energy conservation of Nippon Iron & Steel Industry

  25. 介绍了过程能量系统综合与优化技术在过程工业节能中的应用;

    Several process integration and optimization tech-nologies being applied in process industry are presented .

  26. 在第八次全国冶金工业节能工作会议上的总结讲话

    A summary speech at the 8th energy-saving working conference of metallurgical industry of China

  27. 第一部分:建国初期的严重灾情。中日钢铁工业节能历程之比较

    Comparison of Energy Saving Stages in Iron and Steel Industries of China and Japan

  28. 我国钢铁工业节能环保工作的现状和展望

    Current status and Prospect of energy saving and environment protection of Chinese steel industry

  29. 规整填料在炼油工业节能扩建中的应用

    The Application of Random Padding in Refining Industry

  30. 基于能源结构尺度的中国钢铁工业节能研究

    Research on energy saving of Chinese steel industry in the scale using energy structure