
  1. 从上世纪90年代始,我国国内生产总值(GDP)年均增长9.7%,原油消费量年均增长5.77%,而同期国内原油供应增长仅为1.67%。

    Since 1990s , Chinese GDP has been increasing by 9.7 % annually and the consumption amount of crude oil 5.77 % annually , while domestic supply of crude oil in the same period has been increasing only by 1.67 % .

  2. 原油消费量与产业发展的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of the Amount of Consumption of Crude Oil and Industrial Development

  3. 随着中国原油消费量的快速增长和国家原油储备计划的实施,原油进口量逐年剧增。

    With the rapid growth of Chinese crude oil consumption and implement of State Crude Oil Storage Plan , China 's imported oil volume is increasing fiercely these years .

  4. 美国能源情报署预计,2020年中国的日均原油消费量将比2012年高出300万桶,约占这段时间内全球新增需求的四分之一。

    According to the EIA , China is expected burn through 3 million more barrels per day in 2020 compared to 2012 , accounting for about one-quarter of global demand growth over that timeframe .

  5. 从间接角度看,江苏省原油消费量和地区生产总值存在着长期稳定的协整关系;江苏石化产业资源配置总体上较为有效、配置良好。

    From the indirect angle , there is a long-term relation between the amount of petroleum consumed and local GDP . Generally speaking , the resources distribution of the petrochemical industry is sound and effective .

  6. 2004年,中国的石油消耗量已达3.08亿吨,其中进口原油1.2亿吨,消费量和进口量均居世界第二位,石油进口的依存度已达39%。

    In 2004 , petroleum consuming of China is already 3.08 hundred million ton , among them import petroleum 1.2 hundred million ton , consumption and import of petroleum were all world second , accordingly petroleum import dependence degree already 39 % .

  7. 自2000年以来,新兴经济体对全球原油需求增加的贡献率超过了100%,而发达国家的原油消费量则有所减少。

    Emerging economies have accounted for more than 100 % of the increase in global oil demand since 2000 , while oil consumption in rich countries has declined .