
  1. 原发性纵隔肿瘤及囊肿71例分析(附1例罕见胸腺瘤并发症)

    Analysis of 71 cases of primary mediastinal tumor and cyst ( including one rare malignant thymic tumor having complication )

  2. 结果神经源性肿瘤占同期原发性纵隔肿瘤及囊肿的22.0%(125/568)。

    Results Primary neurogenic tumor accounted for 125 ( 22.0 % ) of 568 patients with primary tumors of the mediastinum in the same period .

  3. 方法1978~2004年手术治疗原发性纵隔肿瘤及囊肿206例,回顾性分析了发病率、临床特点、影像学诊断及治疗与预后。

    Methods 206 cases with mediastinum tumor were treated surgically from 1978 to 2004.The incidence rate , characteristics of radiology , as well as the result of treatment and prognosis were studied retrospectively .

  4. 本文报告我院1977年3月~1985年1月经手术证实的54例原发性纵隔肿瘤及囊肿,多为胸腺瘤,其中恶性5例(10.2%)。

    This paper presents the clinical management of 54 patients with primary mediastinal tumours and cysts in our hospital during the period of March , 1977 to January , 1985 . The nature of the turnouts was determined by pathological studies .