
  1. 基于FPGA的计算机组成原理模型机设计

    The Design of a Model Computer FPGA-based for Computer Organization and Architecture Course

  2. 以记忆原理模型为基础,详细的分析了Web安全预警从最初的数据分析到最终的预警决策的各个过程。

    Based on models of memory principle , it elaborated on every process of the web early-warning system from the initial data analyses to the final decision-making .

  3. 对理论值与实测值的比较分析表明,该原理模型PDE能产生脉冲爆震波和推力。

    The comparison of the calculated results with the measured data shows that the PDE model can produce the pulsed detonation wave and thrust .

  4. 机电集成超环面传动驱动机理及原理模型试验

    Driving Mechanism and Trial Model of Electromechanical Integration Toroidal Drive

  5. 原理模型脉冲爆震发动机性能参数的实测与分析

    Pressure and averaged thrust of a pulsed detonation engine model

  6. 基于讨论原理模型的群体决策支持系统的分析与改进

    Analysis and Improving on DRM-based GDSS

  7. 首先,文章介绍了三层智能自组织系统仿真的基本原理模型;

    The basic principle model of the three-layer intelligent self-organization simulation system is firstly introduced in the paper .

  8. 自制了涡流磁阻尼月球着陆器原理模型,对其缓冲性能进行了试验研究。

    Experimental investigation are carried out for Buffer characteristics of homemade principle models of the lunar lander with magnetic damping of eddy current .

  9. 提出了一个煤气化过程的混合神经网络模型,包括一个基本原理模型,和由一组人工神经网络组成的模型参数估值器。

    A hybrid neural network model was synthesized to predict the gas production rates . The model consists of a first principle partial model and a neural network parameter estimator .

  10. 在快速响应设计中这是两个不同的过程,但又通过产品模型结合在一起。第二阐述了面向快速响应设计的产品模型理论,并将产品模型划分为功能模型、原理模型和结构模型。

    The two levels should be integrated by product model . Secondly , it discussed product model in the rapid responding design . The model is divided function model , behavior model and structure model .

  11. ◆简要地介绍网络入侵检测系统的基本原理模型和几种典型的入侵检测系统,给出了一种基于数据挖掘的网络入侵检测系统检测引擎的设计模型。

    The base principles of the network intrusion detection system and some kinds of typical intrusion detection system are briefly described . Then , a new network intrusion detection system based on data mining is given .

  12. 讨论了相似性与重用性的关系以及相似性与重用性的全局性改进,给出了总成本思想的原理模型。第四章提出了一种面向大批量定制的产品族开发设计方法。

    The relationship between similarity and reusability as well as the improvement of similarity and reusability are discussed . Model of total cost rule is given . A development and design method is presented in Chapter 4 .

  13. 分析CAD/CAM系统集成方法和系统功能模块,研究CAD/CAM/CAIP集成系统的原理模型,构建集成系统的功能模块。

    This paper analyzed the integrated method and the function module of CAD / CAM system , studied on the principle model of CAD / CAM / CAIP integrated system , and structured the function module of the integrated system .

  14. DNA计算的原理和模型

    The Mechanism and Model of DNA Computing

  15. 接下来对OFDM系统的原理、模型及其关键技术进行了分析。

    Then the paper analyzes the principle , system model and key technologies of OFDM system .

  16. 给出了灰色关联分析及BP神经网络进行判别分析的数学原理和模型。

    The mathematical principles and models of gray relational analysis and BP neural network used to determine the source of water were introduced .

  17. 根据气象传真图所作的热带气旋预报,建立真运动原理数学模型,运用MATLAB软件编制了船舶规避热带气旋程序。

    Based on the forecast of Meteorological Facsimile Chart , mathematic model of true motion is given and program of ship 's avoiding tropical cyclone is made by using the Matlab .

  18. 介绍并分析了QFD用于服务设计领域的基本原理、模型及其特点;

    The basic principle , model , and characteristics of QFD in its application to service design are introduced .

  19. 论文系统地论述了三相电压源型PWM整流器的工作原理、模型建立、主电路参数计算以及控制系统的设计等,并建立了仿真模型,给出了系统仿真结果。

    It systematically discusses the basic principles , modelling , calculation of the main circuit parameters and the design of the control system , and results in the system simulation .

  20. 从GM(1,1)的建模原理和模型结构特征出发,通过一系列的推导、变换,给出了直接从原始序列出发求解模型的方法。

    On the basis of principle and struture of GM ( 1 , 1 ) model , and a series of derivation and transformation , the direct model operation method from original sequence was given .

  21. 结合Ajax技术与javaEE技术平台,提出新的Web应用MVC开发模型&AW-MVC模型,并阐述模型的基本结构原理、模型构架及模型工作过程。

    Combined with Java EE and Ajax technology , a new Web application MVC model & AW-MVC model is proposed , and the fundamental structure , the architecture and the working process of the model are explained .

  22. 为了更好地应用BP神经网络预报模型和回归预报模型,通过实例从模型原理、模型建立和模型应用三方面对两种预报模型进行了比较。

    To make full use of BP neural network model and statistical regression model of dam , through illustrations a comparison between them is made in three aspects , i. e. from model principle , model formation and their application respectively .

  23. 本文的重点内容是介绍RFID系统的多标签防碰撞问题,对RFID多标签防碰撞算法的原理、模型以及常见的多标签防碰撞算法的原理和过程进行阐述和分析。

    The focus of this article introduces multi-tag anti-collision of RFID system , the principle and process of the RFID multi-tag anti-collision algorithm principles , models and common multi-tag anti-collision algorithm is also described and analyzed . 3 .

  24. 依据最大交通流导致路段最大饱和度原理将模型简化,并利用蒙特卡洛(MonteCarlo)方法,将模型应用于出现涨落后道路拥挤预测。

    In terms of the principle that the utmost traffic flow can result in the greatest traffic saturation , the model is simplifies and is applied to forecast the traffic congestion associated with fluctuation by means of Monte Carlo method .

  25. 本文在评述Bezdek的FCE法的基础上,提出了模糊主成分模糊聚类法的原理和模型。

    Commenting on the Bezdek 's FCE , this paper proposes the principle and models of fuzzy principal component fuzzy clustering .

  26. 针对GPU的特点、流数据处理原理以及模型渲染流程,阐述了在计算机中GPU是如何进行实时三维建模及渲染的。

    In view of the GPU characteristic , the principle of settling flow data and modles ' rendering step , the topic elaborated how to carry on the real-time 3D modeling in the computer by GPU .

  27. 分析了基于LAPS的细胞传感器的测量原理及模型,为细胞传感器的设计提供了理论基础,也为实验结果的分析提供了重要的依据。

    Afterwards , the detection theory and model of LAPS has been discussed in detail , which are the theoretical foundations of cell-based biosensor design and provide the premise to explain the experiment results .

  28. 介绍了3G模型校正中CW测试方法和原理、模型校正的方法、模型校正的最小二乘法原理及评判模型正确与否的标准,最后给出了一个传播模型校正实例。

    It introduces the methods and principles of CW test , the methods and least - square principle of model adjust - ment , the standards which judge whether or not the model is right in 3G model adjusting . Lastly , an instance of propagation model is given .

  29. 其次,对蚁群算法进行了较为系统的介绍。具体介绍了蚁群算法的基本原理、模型以及在TSP问题中的应用,并对算法中的各参数进行了实验分析,给出了算法参数的取值范围。

    Secondly , it points out the ant colony algorithm systematically , specifically describes the basic principles and models of ant colony algorithm , and the application of TSP , and then , analyses the various parameters of the algorithm by experiments , gives the range of algorithm parameters .

  30. 本文着重阐述了OKPS系统和该专家系统的原理、模型选择的规则、专家知识库的构造与实现等问题。

    The article focuses on the principles of OKPS and the expert system , rules of model selection , structure of the knowledge base , and so on .