
  • 网络Original ecological culture;original culture;original eco-culture
  1. 原生态文化问题及其研究的理论辨析

    The Issue of " Original Culture " and Theoretical Analysis of Relevant Research

  2. 原生态文化的界定及其保护

    On the Definition and Protection of Original Culture

  3. 这个角度,概括为原生态文化对传播的影响。

    This angle , summarize as the primitive culture influence on communication .

  4. 少数民族原生态文化与影视创作研究

    Study on Original Ecology Culture of Minorities and Film Creation

  5. 喧嚣后的宁静&原生态文化热潮后的冷静思考

    Silence after the Upsurge : a Meditation after the Surge of Fundamentalist Cultures

  6. 喀斯特地区撒尼密枝林原生态文化的生态价值研究

    Study on the Eco-value of Sani Original Eco-culture - Deity Forests in Karst Area

  7. 对于少数民族影视来说,这种独立性可以体现在原生态文化上。

    For ethnic minorities ' film , it will appear in original ecology culture .

  8. 本文力求探讨少数民族题材影视中的原生态文化。

    The thesis is tried to discuss the original ecology culture of ethnic minorities'theme film .

  9. 致使民族原生态文化的保护面临着巨大的挑战和严峻的考验。

    Cause the race original ecosystem culture of protection face the huge challenge and rigorous tests .

  10. 祖先记忆,家园象征与族群历史&原生态文化概念辨析

    Ancestry Memory , Homestead Symbol and Clan History & Analysis on the Concept of Original Zoology Culture

  11. 本文还阐述了非物质文化遗产“原生态文化保护”的不可能性。

    Finally , the inadvisability of " original ecological culture protection " has been discussed in this article .

  12. 随着现代文化的发展,对原生态文化产生了巨大的冲击。

    Along with a great development of modern culture , it has a tremendous impact towards the original ecological culture .

  13. 座龙寨是一个保持较多原生态文化、空间结构较完整的典型侗族村寨。

    Zuolong Village is a typical Dong Minority village that maintains many original eco-cultures and possesses relatively unabridged spatial structure .

  14. 在国家保护和抢救民族民间非物质文化遗产工程的启动中,特别重视各民族原生态文化的保护与发展。

    In the rescue project of non-material national culture inheritance , great importance is attached to the protection national original culture .

  15. 作为中国最古老的剧种之一,昆曲起源于六百多年前元代末期的江南地区,它包含了丰富的中国原生态文化。

    As one of the oldest genres of Chinese opera , Kunqu opera originated in the end of Yuan Dynasty more than 600 years ago .

  16. 中国原生态文化指的是植根于中国、且在漫长历史演变中其精华得以保持不变的文化。

    Chinese original ecology culture refers to the part of culture that is rooted in China and keeps its original essence during a long process of evolution .

  17. 审视这样一个群体的传播状况,就必须要全方位地挖掘蕴藏在其中的原生态文化,并分析原生态文化和大众文化之间的相互作用。

    In order to survey communication status of such a colony , we must sink primitive culture on all sides and analyse interrelation between primitive culture and mass culture .

  18. 道学文化是人类唯一保存下来的新石器时代母系氏族公社时期的原生态文化,它是人类最初的文化,也必将是人类最后的文化。

    The Daoist culture is the only existing primitive culture coming down from the matriarchal clan commune time of the Neolithic Age . It is the earliest and definitely the ultimate human culture .

  19. 通过研究原生态文化这一时代新特征,有利于增强现代酒店装饰设计的视觉感染力、自然亲和力及文化厚重感。

    Through the research of original ecology culture-this era of new feature , which is benefit to enhancing the visual appeal , nature affinity and culture precipitation of the modern hotel interior decorated design .

  20. 为了保护和延续这些比较完整的民族原生态文化而建立了生态博物馆。但当前,生态博物馆社区的民族原生态文化消失的步伐也正在加快,文化变迁和异化表现特别强烈和明显。

    But current , the race of the ecosystem museum community original the step that the ecosystem culture disappear also just speed , the culture changes to express with alienation special mightiness and obvious .

  21. 为了建构与发展马克思主义文化哲学观,我们有必要进一步理解分析马克思原生态文化哲学观点,以求拓宽其视角,丰富其内涵。

    In order to construct and develop the cultural philosophy of Marxism , it is necessary for us to analyze Marx 's original cultural philosophy so as to widen its visual angle , and enrich its intension .

  22. 由于山水的阻隔,古老的彝族原生态文化受中央王朝及周边文化的影响相对较少,从而较多地保留了其自身的诸多特性。

    As the landscape of the barrier , the ancient Yi " original ecology " culture by the Central Empire and surrounding cultural influences relatively small , and thus more to retain many features of its own .

  23. 所以,我们对少数民族语言的稳定性要进行理论的探讨和实际性的行动,使少数民族语言能尽可能与本民族同在,保持中国原生态文化的发展与繁荣。

    We should not only discuss the minority languages ' stability on theory but also put into practical action . We should keep minority languages existence with their nationalities possibly , and should keep development and prosperity of Chinese original ecological culture .

  24. 中国原生态文化在昆曲里体现为精英文化与民间文化的完美结合。创作于昆曲发展史中黄金时代的经典作品《长生殿》就很好地体现了昆曲的这个特性。

    Harmoniously integrating elite culture and folk culture , Kunqu opera embodies rich legacies of Chinese original ecology culture , which is excellently reflected by The Palace of Eternal Youth , one of the masterpieces of Kunqu opera produced in the golden age in its development history .

  25. 原生态民俗文化主题公园的开发与经营研究

    Study on the Original Minority Culture Theme Park 's Exploitation and Operation

  26. 黔东南原生态民族文化保护体系的构建

    Construction of Primitive Minority Eco-culture Preservation Systems in Qiandongnan Prefecture of Guizhou

  27. 构建原生态民族文化特色课程体系的探索与实践

    Research and Practice on Special Course System of Original Ecological Minority Culture

  28. 少数民族聚居村落原生态体育文化变迁的解读

    On Original Sports Culture of Minority Nationality Regions

  29. 这就是原生态的文化记忆!

    This is the memory of our ecology !

  30. 黔东南原生态民族文化对植物多样性的影响

    On the Impact of Prototypical Ethnic Cultures on Plant Diversity in Qiandongnan of Guizhou