
  1. Bio-oss骨胶原植骨手术在牙周-牙髓联合病变治疗中的应用

    Bio-oss collagen bone grafting in the treatment of endodontic-periodontic lesion

  2. CHTF内充填松质骨组术后6周组织学切片观察示新生软骨、骨小梁存在,术后12周新骨生成明显、层状堆积,原植入骨坏死;

    Pathological study of CHTF filled with cancellous bone showed new cartillage and bone trabecula after 6 weeks of operation .

  3. 染色效率与原植体类型和细胞密度有关。

    The staining rate has relation with the cell density .

  4. 形成藻殖段是发菜原植体繁殖的主要方式。

    Forming hormogonium is a main reproductive way of Nostoc flagelliforme by thallus .

  5. 水生原植体的光合固碳能力比天然原植体高。

    The aquatic-living colonies had a higher photosynthetic carbon fixation capacity than the natural colonies .

  6. 但原植体耐光性比藻丝体强,说明在野外胶鞘对保护发菜免受强辐射伤害有重要意义。

    But photostability of thallus is better than that of filament , which means sheath can protect cells form radiation .

  7. 在液体培养条件下,当没有任何干出(暴露于空气中让其干燥)处理时,原植体的鞘在2天左右即解体。

    Under submerged aquatic conditions , the colonial filaments disintegrated with their sheaths ruptured in about 2 days without any desiccating treatments .

  8. 原植体为丝状或片状,大小不一,小的仅数个细胞,大的形态复杂如树状。

    Composed of filaments or plates of cells , a thallus ranges in size from a single-celled structure to a complex treelike form .

  9. 两种原植体都显示出对干旱胁迫的耐受性,在失水为80%的时候依然可以维持正的光合作用。

    Both forms of colonies exhibited a higher tolerance to desiccation stress , even at the water loss of 80 % , they still maintained positive photosynthetic rates .

  10. 主要结果如下:发状念珠藻的水生原植体和天然原植体在沉水状态与干燥失水(干出)状态时,其光合作用的最适温度都是25℃。

    The main results are as follows : Whether under submersed or emersed conditions , the optimal temperature for photosynthesis of both aquatic-living and natural colonies was 25 ℃ .

  11. 在细菌控制培养中,即使不作任何干出处理,原植体的鞘在短时间内也不会解体,其完整性可以维持20天左右。

    When the bacteria in culture was controlled , the colonial filaments did not disintegrate in short time , and maintained the integrity of their sheath for about 20 days even without the desiccation treatments , indicating the importance of desiccation for N.

  12. 发状念珠藻(俗名发菜)是一种高经济价值的陆生蓝藻,但迄今尚未实现其人工栽培。近期成功地培养出的水生原植体具有应用前景,然而对其生物学特性尚缺乏认识。

    Nostoc flagelliforme ( Berk Curtis ) Bornet Flash is a terrestrial cyanobacterium with high economic value , while its cultivation has not been successfully achieved . The recently developed aquatic-living colonies bear applied foreground , but little was known about their biological characteristics .

  13. 结论:人胃癌裸鼠皮下-胃原位移植瘤模型的生物学行学与人胃癌自然生长和转移过程相似,为研究人胃癌转移机制提供了理想的模型。

    CONCLUSION : In the growth and metastasis orthotopic transplantation model is similar to human gastric cancer .

  14. 人肝癌裸鼠皮下-肝原位移植瘤模型的建立通过原位移植建立人肿瘤裸鼠转移模型建立高转移细胞株

    Study of Using α - cyanoacrylate to Establish the Orthotopic Transplantation Tumor Model From the Subcutaneous Model of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Nude Mice

  15. 结论与传统的肝原位移植瘤模型比较,利用α-氰基丙烯酸烷基酯建立间接肝原位移植瘤模型方法简便,成功率高,便于推广使用。

    Conclusion It was compared with the traditional methods that the indirect orthotopic transplantation tumor model by using α - cyanoacrylate to establish is an easy method with high successful rate and easy to spread .

  16. 1例胫骨中上段粉碎骨折于术后15个月见原骨缺损植人工骨处骨痂形成不多。

    In one case of comminuted bone fracture in upper and middle tibial bone , a few of bone scars were observed at 15 months after implantation .

  17. 方法选取人脐动脉原代平滑肌细胞植块培养,得到传代细胞。

    Methods The primary culture implant of human umbilical arterial smooth muscle cells was adopted .