
  • 网络Paris polyphylla;paris polyphylla var.yunnanensis
  1. 滇重楼的两个新甾体皂甙元

    Two new steroid sapogenins of Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis

  2. 影响滇重楼产量和品质诸因素的研究进展

    Advances in Studies on Influencing Factors of Yield and Quality in Paris Polyphylla Var. Yunnanensis

  3. HPLC测定不同产地滇重楼中的4种重楼皂苷

    Determination of four saponins in Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis from different habitats by HPLC

  4. ICP-AES法测定滇重楼中的微量元素

    Determination of Trace Elements in Paris Polyphylla var. Yunnanensis by ICP-AES

  5. 结论:滇重楼种胚休眠和发育过程中,ABA含量显著下降,与休眠解除有较大的相关性;

    Conclusion : There was a significant correlation between the remarkable reduction of ABA and dormancy release .

  6. 观察滇重楼茎叶总皂甙(DRG)急性毒性及抗胃癌效应,并探究其抗胃癌机制,进而探讨其用于胃癌治疗的可能性。

    Observe the Acute toxicity and anti-tumor effect of polyphylloside ( DRG ) and explore its anti-tumor mechanism to study the feasibility of its treatment for gastric cancer .

  7. 结果:低温层积初期,滇重楼种子ABA的含量呈下降趋势,且较明显;进入生理后熟期以后,GA3、IAA、ZR的含量持续升高。

    Results : The ABA concentration of the seed decreased clearly in the earlier cold stratified stage at low temperature , but the concentration of endohormones GA_3 、 IAA and Zr increased in the post-ripening Period .

  8. 粉质和胶质滇重楼的研究

    Study on amyloid and colloidal Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis

  9. 重楼属植物引种栽培的研究Ⅱ.滇重楼的育苗试验

    Studies on the introduction cultivation of genus Paris ⅱ . Test about raise seedling of Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis

  10. 通径分析结果表明,滇重楼总皂苷含量主要受其根际土壤碱解氮的影响,其次为土壤有机质和脲酶活性。

    Path analysis indicated that total saponins of rhizome mainly affected by alkaline nitrogen in soil rhizosphere , secondly by soil organic matter and soil urease activity .

  11. 结果表明:温度是滇重楼种子二次发育的一个最重要的影响因素,最适温度为18~20℃;

    The result showed that the temperature is the most important factor for the seeds of Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis in second growth , which the best temperature is between 18 ℃ to 20 ℃ .