
  • 网络in situ bioremediation;in-situ bioremediation;in-site remediation
  1. 电动力学技术强化原位生物修复研究进展

    Enhancement of in situ bioremediation by electrokinetic technology

  2. 持久性有机氯农药林丹残留污染的原位生物修复机制是我国污染生态修复科学研究的重要问题之一。

    In situ bioremediation mechanisms of soils contaminated with persistent organochlorine pesticide lindane are one of the most important problems in the field of ecological pollution restoration in China .

  3. 地下水中BTEX的原位生物修复研究进展

    Progress of in-situ bioremediation of BTEX in groundwater

  4. 污染土壤原位生物修复中的多相流动传输特性

    Multiphase Flow and Transport Characteristic in In-Situ Bioremediation of Contaminative Soil

  5. 蔬果类浸出液在景观水体原位生物修复中的应用研究

    Effects of Vegetable Fruit Lixiviums on In Situ Bioremediation of Scenic Water

  6. 原位生物修复硝酸盐污染地下水的模拟实验

    Analog Experiment of Remediation of Nitrate-cont Aminated Groundwater Using Micro-ecological In-situ Technique

  7. 地下水中阿特拉津污染的原位生物修复研究

    Study on the in Situ Bioremediation of Atrazine Polluted Groundwater

  8. 原位生物修复治理汞害的机制及作用

    The role of bioremediation in situ in mercury harm

  9. 城市富营养化河道复合酶-原位生物修复技术研究

    E City Study on in-situ bioremediation technology of municipal eutrophication river using multiple enzymes

  10. 地下水原位生物修复技术

    In-situ Bioremediation Technology of Contaminated Groundwater

  11. 通过接入白腐真菌、蚯蚓和蚓粪,研究了通过蚯蚓及蚓粪的作用来改善土壤环境,从而提高土壤原位生物修复的可行性。

    Through dark incubation with white-rot fungi , earthworms and earthworm casts , the study was to discuss the feasibility of in-situ bioremediation of contaminated soil by earthworms and earthworm casts .

  12. 研究了玉米、土豆和番薯等蔬果类浸出液在景观水体原位生物修复中的作用。

    A study was performed to determine the effects of vegetable fruit lixivium ( such as maize , potato and sweet potato lixivims ) on in situ bioremediation of scenic water .

  13. 由此可见,调控剂的添加可显著改变沉积物中重金属的形态,并通过降低沉积物中重金属的生物可利用性、减小其生态风险而实现原位生物修复效果。

    These results suggested that the treatment of calcium nitrate-regulatory agent could significantly change the chemical speciation and decrease the bioavailability of these four heavy metals in the sediment , which could efficiently reduce the ecological risk and enhance the bioremediation processes .

  14. 设计并搭建了原位生物修复土壤内气液两相流动特性的可视化实验研究系统。

    In this paper , in-situ bioremediation was used in modeling and experiment , and the air-liquid two phase flow in the soil was researched in a visual experiment . Further more , the air injected , air-liquid two phase flow experimental system was built .

  15. 玛连尼就地热再生技术及应用生物通风(BV)是一种原位土壤生物修复技术,它可以有效地去除土壤中的有机污染物。

    Bioventing is an in-situ technology used in removal of organic compounds in contaminated soil .