
  • 网络stratal pinch-out;strata pinching;stratigraphic pitch-out;thinning out of strata;depositional termination
  1. 通过高分辨率层序地层学研究,发现了三级不整合面之上超覆地层尖灭线识别方法,提出了相应的地层圈闭的描述方法,对有利目标提出勘探部署建议。

    By researching on the high resolution sequence stratigraphy , it founds the recognition methods for the line of overlapping depositional termination above the third unconformity , and proposes the description methods for relevant stratigraphy traps .

  2. 相干分析、倾角方位角扫描、分频振幅谱较好的识别了地层尖灭带和准确描述了断层的展布。

    The coherence analysis , dip and azimuth scanning and frequency division amplitude were all applied to identify strata pinchout boundary and describing correctly faults distribution .

  3. 自2003年5月以来做了大量的工作,全区地震剖面的解释136条,分析钻井92口,读取有关地层尖灭、超覆和断点数据约近4千个。

    Much work has been done since May 2003 for instance interpretation of 136 seismal sections , analysis of 92 drillings and count of about four thousand for stratum thinning out , overlap and breakpoint .

  4. 对于三角洲沉积体,地震反射异常体,地层尖灭等隐蔽圈闭,应联合使用高分辨率地震勘探和三维地震勘探;

    Some concealed traps , such as delta trap , thinning-out stratigraphic trap , the trap of geologic body causing abnormal seismic reflections , etc. , can be dis - covered by the integration of 3D seismic survey with high resolution seismic exploration .

  5. 霸县凹陷的隐蔽圈闭可以分为五种类型,即微型潜山台阶、三角洲沉积体、地震反射异常体、地层尖灭和层间构造。

    The concealed traps in Baxian depression can be classified into five types , namely minor buried-hill trap at fault bench , delta trap , the trap of geologic body causing abnormal seismic reflections , thinning - out stratigraphic trap and interformational structure trap .

  6. 通过对各种构造的路径图分析,总结出正断层、逆断层、不整合、同沉积断层、犁式断层和地层尖灭等34种情况下的路径图模式,提出路径图模式及相关概念。

    After analyzing many path diagrams of structures between wells , the 34 kinds of path modes of normal fault , reverse faults , unconformity , synsedimentary fault , listric fault and pinch out are summarized , and the exception of path modes and its relative exception are brought forward .

  7. 通过分析几种典型的地质构造的规律,总结出了地层构造的尖灭原则和连续性原则。

    By analyzing some typical tectonic , we concluded the principle that the stratum can extend and go out gradually .

  8. 在区域性断层、深部隆起或地层超覆尖灭带的产状陡变区,岩性型油气藏纵向叠合好;

    However , in the area characterized by abrupt change in occurrences , such as in regional fault zone , uplifted area at depth or stratigraphic overlapping wedging-out belt , there would be good stacking lithologic reservoirs ;

  9. 燕山运动初期以波状运动为主,后期以上升运动为主,这就为前期多生油旋回生成的油气向地层超覆尖灭带、岩性尖灭带运移创造了条件;

    The early Yanshan movement was dominated by undulatory motion , whereas the late Yanshan movement by ascending motion , which created the conditions for hydrocarbon generated by multiple circles migrating toward overlap pinchout and lithologic pinchout zones .

  10. 岩性圈闭有不整合地层圈闭和岩性尖灭圈闭。

    The lithologic traps consist in unconformable stratigraphic trap and lithologic pinchout trap .