
  • 网络surface subsidence
  1. 煤炭开采地表塌陷生态环境防护恢复措施

    Measures for the Protection and Recovery of Ecological Environment against the Surface Subsidence Caused by Coal Mining

  2. 离层注浆防治地表塌陷的注浆量计算

    Research on the calculation of grout amount of harnessing the surface subsidence by injecting clay grouts into separated strata

  3. GIS地表塌陷计算的有限棱柱法及三维数据模型

    Finite prism element method of ground subsidence calculation and 3D data model based on GIS

  4. 地表塌陷环境破坏评价的专家系统

    The Expert System of Evaluating the Environment Damaged in Mining Subsidence

  5. 岩溶区抽水引起地表塌陷问题的分析

    Analysis of the terrene collapse problem caused by pumping in the Karst Region

  6. 地铁隧道开挖引起地表塌陷分析

    Analysis of ground subsidence caused by metro tunnel excavation

  7. 矿山地表塌陷区的数字近景摄影测量监测技术

    Monitoring Technique for Mining Subsidence with Digital Terrestrial Photogrammetry

  8. 地表塌陷防治与井下矸石处理技术

    Study on prevention and cure of land surface subsiding and refuse treatment at underground

  9. 淮南矿区岩溶地表塌陷有关问题的讨论

    About Karstic Surface Collapses in Huainan Mining Area

  10. 详细介绍了生产疏干放水与地表塌陷的情况,对存在的问题提出了探索性建议。

    The paper deals With mine dewatering and surface collapse and puts forward some proposals .

  11. 神府&东胜煤田地表塌陷预测及防治

    The prediction and prevention and cure measures for the ground subsidence in Shenfu-Dongsheng Coalmine Area

  12. 分析了地震诱发的地表塌陷和地裂缝机制。

    The mechanism of ground collapse and fissures caused earthquake is analysed in this paper .

  13. 地表塌陷严重威胁着矿山安全生产,破坏地表生三态环境。

    Ground collapse will seriously threaten the mine production security and destroy the surface ecological environment .

  14. 岩溶地区铁路长隧道涌水涌泥砂及地表塌陷规律的研究

    Study on Regularity of Water Inflow , Soil Leakage and Surface Settlement of Long Tunnel in Karst Topography

  15. 由于突发大面积涌水,造成地表塌陷。

    Owning to the sudden outburst of water in a large area , the ground surface is collapsed .

  16. 采用帷幕注浆堵水工艺可防止大面积地表塌陷的发生。

    With the technics of purdah infusion to stem water , surface sinking of large area can be prevented .

  17. 煤炭开采在给社会带来经济效益的同时,也导致了矿区的环境污染和生态破坏,如煤炭开采引起地表塌陷;

    Coal mining brings the society economic benefits , also causes environmental pollution and ecological destruction to mining areas .

  18. 因此,开展地下水数值模拟、帷幕注浆工程可视化以及岩溶地表塌陷预测技术研究,可为矿山实现地下水害及其衍生的地表塌陷灾害的有效治理提供强有力的技术支持,具有重要意义。

    Therefore , research on groundwater numerical simulation , visualization of curtain grouting and ground collapse prediction is of great significance .

  19. 由于地质条件、开采条件等原因,前四种都不能有效的解决地表塌陷等问题。

    Due to the geological conditions and mining conditions and other reasons , four kinds of can effectively solve the surface subsidence ect .

  20. 地下水严重超采,造成多处地表塌陷和降落漏斗,并成为济南市地下水的重污染区。

    Exploitation of groundwater was overloaded seriously , and caused earth surface collapse , cone of depression , and groundwater was seriously polluted .

  21. 煤炭开采过程中对环境的主要影响有地表塌陷破坏和废石、废水、废气的排放。

    Surface subsidence and the discharge of refuse , wastewater and waste gas constitute the main impact of coal mining on the environment .

  22. 急倾斜煤层开采地表塌陷坑形成机理与安全矿柱尺寸研究②煤矸石充填塌陷坑复垦土地;

    Discussion on mechanism of surface collapse pit and dimensions of obstructive ridge for steep inclined coal seam mining ② subsidence basin reclamation ;

  23. 采矿区覆岩及地表塌陷是涉及全球性人为环境灾害之一。

    The collapse of overburden layer and land surface due to underground mining is one kind of environmental hazards induced by human being .

  24. 在分析唐山市采煤引起的地表塌陷及对生态环境影响的基础上,从景观生态重建基本原理及重建模式两方面对该地区近年来采煤塌陷区生态重建成果进行了总结。

    Based on analysis of the mining subsidence influence on ecological environment , this paper generalized the accomplishments about ecological rehabilitation in recent years .

  25. 分析结果表明.名河铁矿地表塌陷是地下开采及其诱发的众多因素共同作用的结果。

    The analyses show that the ground collapse is caused by underground mining together with the factor induced by mining in Beiminghe Iorn Mine .

  26. 另外,矿体围岩中存在的岩溶在地下采矿和地下水疏干的扰动下会在其内部形成真空负压,引起地表塌陷。

    Karst in wall rock will form vacuum under the disturbance of the underground mining and groundwater drainage , which will cause surface subsidence . 5 .

  27. 研究成果对浅埋暗挖城市地铁隧道和海底隧道等类似工程施工预防地表塌陷具有一定的指导意义。

    The research results can provide references to preventing ground subsidence induced by construction of shallow-buried urban subway tunnels , subsea tunnels and other similar tunnel engineering .

  28. 研究表明,无论采空区的形状是否为圆形,地表塌陷形态均为圆形或趋于圆形;

    The indexes such as circularity , irregular index , equal-area circle radius in morphological methods were applicated , and the surface subsidence form was analyzed quantificationally .

  29. 研究结果表明,严格按照浅埋暗挖法的基本原理和技术要点进行隧道施工,可以有效地避免地表塌陷事故的发生。

    Research indicates that if shallow-buried tunneling can be strictly kept to the principles and technical rules of shallow-buried tunneling method , ground subsidence can be avoided effectively .

  30. 针对含硫矿床地表塌陷火区,提出了采用防火剂进行喷淋灭火的方案,以期消除SO2、保护环境。

    Against ground collapse fire zone of sulfide deposit , to spray a new kind of fireproofing agent was brought forward in order to eliminate SO_2 and protect environment .