
  1. 京津塘产业的集群

    Industry Cluster of Beijing - Tianjin - Tanggu

  2. 京津塘科技企业集群发展对策

    Strategy to Develop the Enterprises of Beijing-Tianjin-Tanggu

  3. 京津塘高速公路改扩建中软土地基处理措施

    The treating measures of soft soil foundation in Beijing-Tianjin-Tanggu express highway upgrading and expansion engineering

  4. 京津塘科技新干线催生跨地区产业链

    Cross - regional Industry Chain

  5. 我国高技术产业竞争力分析&基于京津塘、长三角、珠三角三大经济带的实证研究

    The Analysis on Competitive Power of High-Tech Industry in China & An Empirical Study based on three Economic Zone

  6. 京津塘(沽)高速公路某立交桥地段,为软土地基,采用振动沉管碎石桩作地基处理。

    One motorway interchange of Beijing Tianjin Tanggu expressway is built on the ground of soft soil , which is to be treated with vibrating driven crushed stone piles .

  7. 文中对我国接受世界银行贷款的三个公路工程项目&京津塘公路,四川附鱼公路,陕西西三公路,在成本-效益分析的基础上,提出了风险分析意见。

    Based on cost-benefit analysis , this paper puts forward the risk analysis to three highway en-gineering projects-Beijing-Tanggu highway , Fucheng-Yuquan highway and Xi'an-Sanyuan highway which all received the loan from the World Bank .

  8. 滨海新区京津双赢京津塘雄起京津及周围地区区域磁异常和地壳磁性层变化的讨论

    A preliminary discussion on the regional magnetic anomaly and crustal magnetic layers in Beijing-Tianjin and surrounding areas

  9. 全面推进环京津创业带建设,将廊坊建设成为京津塘科技新干线上的科技辅城

    Promote the Construction of " the Industrial Zone around Beijing and Tianjin " and Make Langfang an Auxiliary City of Science and Technology along BTT-STH