
jīnɡ huá yān yún
  • Moment in Peking
  1. 《京华烟云》汉译之文体学研究

    A Stylistic Study of the Translation of Moment in Peking

  2. 《京华烟云》中的习语显性翻译成分

    Overt Translation Ingredients of Chinese Idioms in Moment in Peking

  3. 民族文化的承载者与传递者&小议《京华烟云》中文化负载词的翻译

    On the Approaches to Translating Culture-loaded Words in " Moment in Peking "

  4. 《京华烟云》的文化传输策略及其原因分析

    The Tactics of Cultural Transmission in Moment in Peking and Its Analysis of Reasons

  5. 从目的论看汉英翻译中的文化传输&兼评《京华烟云》中的翻译策略

    On cultural transmission from the Skopos theory

  6. 从目的论角度看《京华烟云》中的民俗翻译

    A Study of Folklore in the Translation of Moment in Peking-from the Perspective of Skopos Theory

  7. 然而,以前关于《京华烟云》的研究很少对它的间接指令行为的使用进行过研究。

    However , previous studies on Moment in Peking pay less attention to research on its use of indirect directives .

  8. 《京华烟云》是林语堂最有名的著作之一,其有四个中文译本。

    Moment in Peking is one of most famous books composed by Dr. Lin Yutang and it has four Chinese versions .

  9. 斯佳丽和姚木兰分别是美国作家玛格丽特·米切尔的小说《飘》和中国作家林语堂的小说《京华烟云》的女主人公。

    Scarlett and Yao Mulan are the heroines in the Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell and Moment in Peking by Lin Yutang .

  10. 希望通过对《京华烟云》的会话含义的分析能为语用学与小说欣赏的结合方面提供启示。

    Finally , the author hopes that the pragmatic study on Moment in Peking can give inspiration to the combination of pragmatics and the appreciation of novel .

  11. 《京华烟云》是林语堂用英文撰写的著名小说,因其向西方读者介绍了中国文化而广受欢迎。

    Moment in Peking , an English novel by Lin Yutang , has been well known and popular with Western readers for its showcasing of Chinese culture .

  12. 林语堂真的是一捆矛盾吗?&由《京华烟云》看林语堂中庸、和谐的人生观

    Is Lin Yutang Really in a Bundle of Contradiction ? & An Exploration on Lin Yutang 's Eclectic and Harmonious Philosophy through His Works the Moment in Peking

  13. 林语堂代表作有《京华烟云》、《风声鹤唳》、《朱门》、《啼笑皆非》、《吾国与吾民》等。

    His representative works include Moment in Peking , A Leaf in the Storm , The Vermillion Gate , Between Tears and Laughter , My Country and My People , etc.

  14. 林语堂博士对中西文化交流做出了极大贡献,《京华烟云》是他最著名的小说之一。

    Moment in Peking is one of the famous novels written by Dr. Lin Yutang , who made a lot of contribution bridging the gap between the Chinese and the western culture .

  15. 其最具影响力代表作《京华烟云》讲述了北京姚、曾、牛三个富裕家庭的兴衰起落。

    Moment in Peking , the most influential one among all his works , narrates the ups and downs of three wealthy families , the Yao , the Tseng and the New .

  16. 第三章主要探讨死亡情结在《京华烟云》的体现,包括三个阶段:遭遇死亡、面对死亡和超越死亡。

    Chapter three will elaborate on the manifestations of the death complex in Moment in Peking , which is divided into three stages : encountering the death , confronting the death and overshadowing the death .

  17. 著名的作家和翻译家林语堂创作了许多著名英语作品,如《吾国与吾民》和《京华烟云》。他也用英语翻译了不少中国的古典名著,例如《浮生六记》。

    Lin Yutang , as a famous writer and translator , has been well-known for his works like My Country and My People and Moments in Peking and Chinese-English translations like Six Chapters of a Floating Life .

  18. 通过对大量例句的具体分析,作者得出的结论是:《京华烟云》中的意识文化信息主要体现为以思维定型和行为定型为表现形式的民族文化定型。

    With the reference of concrete data analysis , the following conclusion can be reached : the mental cultural information in Moment in Peking is represented in the national cultural stereotype expressed specifically by thinking and behavioral stereotypes .

  19. 《京华烟云》,被誉为中国的当代红楼梦,是中西文坛巨擘林语堂先生最著名的英文小说之一。

    Moment in Peking , which is compared to A Dream of Red Mansions in modern times , has been regarded as one of the most famous English novels created by Dr. Lin Yutang , a master in both Chinese and western culture .

  20. 从林语堂创作的七部小说中,选取《京华烟云》中的姚木兰,《朱门》的杜柔安,《红牡丹》的梁牡丹三个女性为典型表现林语堂对女性与文化的新的审美感悟。

    In seven novels which creates from Lin Yutang , selects " National capital Smoke cloud " the Yao Lily magnolia , " Vermilion gate " Du Rou is peaceful , " Red Peony " Liang peony three females for typical perspective Lin Yutang to female esthetics new solution .